Bands with the most creative riffing

Venom? VENOM?!! There isn't a riff in their entire catalog that Motorhead or GBH didn't do first.


Still, listening to "Black Metal" they make pretty damn good use of those riffs, which don't let up for a second, amazingly, and the entire album is full of fantastic riffs...I just listed them as bait though, haha, I have only heard "Black Metal", but it is some of the BEST metal I have ever heard
Problem with this thread is that a lot of people think a riff is "creative" simply because they haven' heard the exact source that inspired it. How easy is it to think that a riff/melodic idea/any piece of music is totally unique and creative until one day you hear something that totally puts it into perspective for you? Pretty unavoidable if you ask me.
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I can't believe so many people are saying Tool and Akercocke. There's nothing creative about the guitar work in Tool. Akercocke was good on their last album, but there's nothing about their death or black riffs that's new. Having a unique sound is not the same as being creative.

I vote for (newer) Deathspell Omega and Thorns. The Thorns album is the only time I recall hearing swung eighth notes in black metal.

Also, Iced Earth seldomly plays triplets. It's almost entirely gallops (sixteenth sixteenth eighth, or eighth sixteenth sixteenth). Triplets are evenly distributed throughout a beat, while the notes Schaffer plays definitely are not.
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well, to be perfectly honest...Thorns IS one of the truly accurate acts in this entire thread considering the subject matter. So kudos for bringing him up. without him, the blackmetal sound wouldnt be what it is today.
Problem with this thread is that a lot of people think a riff is "creative" simply because they haven' heard the exact source that inspired it. How easy is it to think that a riff/melodic idea/any piece of music is totally unique and creative until one day you hear something that totally puts it into perspective for you? Pretty unavoidable if you ask me.

Go masturbate to "Nespithe" for the thousandth time :erk:
Meshuggah riffs are terribly horrible imo.

Meshuggah is not all they are cracked up to be... I thought destroy erase improve was decent.... from Chaosphere on there seems to be something missing... like... ok you're changing time signatures... do something with it... where's the beef dammit ?

Spastic Ink, Spiral Architect, and Watchtower know how to be off time.. maybe try some Necrophagist if you like the 'heavier' stuff.
I vote for (newer) Deathspell Omega and Thorns. The Thorns album is the only time I recall hearing swung eighth notes in black metal.

Thorns definitely deserves to be on the list - but not for Thorns, which suffers from most of the same defects of imagination that plagued other 'avant-garde' black metal efforts of the 1997-2002 era (Ved Buens Ende, Dødheimsgard, Fleurety etc.). The demo work, however, was brilliant, original and enormously influential on the subsequent development of black metal.
Problem with this thread is that a lot of people think a riff is "creative" simply because they haven' heard the exact source that inspired it. How easy is it to think that a riff/melodic idea/any piece of music is totally unique and creative until one day you hear something that totally puts it into perspective for you? Pretty unavoidable if you ask me.

This may sound terribly lame to some, but it takes talent to be inspired by music also, and this combined with some creativity and lots of practice = the good stuff. I'm not going to be pissed if Yngwie ripped off Paganini, or Immortal stood outside listening to the winter winds to much, or Iron Maiden thought the sound of a Diesel engine was cool one day.