Bands with the most creative riffing

Thorns definitely deserves to be on the list - but not for Thorns, which suffers from most of the same defects of imagination that plagued other 'avant-garde' black metal efforts of the 1997-2002 era (Ved Buens Ende, Dødheimsgard, Fleurety etc.). The demo work, however, was brilliant, original and enormously influential on the subsequent development of black metal.

Would you mind expanding a little on the defects of imagination evident on an album such as "Min Tid Skall Komme"? I can't remember much about it, only heard it once or twice, but I do recall enjoying it and finding it to avoid at least some of the trappings of the faux-avantgarde.
Deep Purple- SMOKE ON THE WATER!!!

The simplest riff ever, yet one of the most popular and most frequently played riffs ever... I should know, I work in a music shop, and every second kid who comes in and picks up a guitar plays it...
Would you mind expanding a little on the defects of imagination evident on an album such as "Min Tid Skall Komme"? I can't remember much about it, only heard it once or twice, but I do recall enjoying it and finding it to avoid at least some of the trappings of the faux-avantgarde.

It's a lot more 'conventional' than the band's later work, albeit contrived in a manner not inherently unlike similar vintage Ulver, though slightly more coherent in execution.

Their later work is plagued by the usual run of saxophones, processed vocals, 'angular' riffs, samples, programmed beats and meandering interludes - all the pro forma gestures of the 'avant-garde' in metal. Boring.
Deep Purple- SMOKE ON THE WATER!!!

The simplest riff ever, yet one of the most popular and most frequently played riffs ever... I should know, I work in a music shop, and every second kid who comes in and picks up a guitar plays it...

the thread is called "bands with the most creative riffing, not most popular.

im beginning to think I am going to be the new metal wrath. err the old metal wrath, metal wrath is much better nowadays
^ Obviously yours wasn't working either...

Why would someone who loves Tech-metal and Progressive-metal and shred think a 4 power-chord progression in simple time to be creative???

Its pretty cute how you equate technicality with creativity. There are probably many moments when four chords in common time are more creative than some tech-metal band.
prog metal and shred are fucking awful, go away

Says someone on the Opeth forum??? What would you call Opeth if not prog metal???

Who is the Jewish scarecrow in progpussy's avatar image?

That is a random pic of me from quite a while ago, and I have no Jewish blood in me whatsoever...

Its pretty cute how you equate technicality with creativity. There are probably many moments when four chords in common time are more creative than some tech-metal band.

Make up your minds, first you guys bag me for suggesting (even if sarcastically) that a four chord riff in simple time is creative, then you bag me for thinking that musicians playing at the extremes of their instrument cannot be creative... :mad:
Well were all separate people and I have no idea what they even said. Also, I dont mean they cant be creative if theyre technical.. I'm just saying technicality doesnt = creativity.
Well were all separate people and I have no idea what they even said. Also, I dont mean they cant be creative if theyre technical.. I'm just saying technicality doesnt = creativity.

That's okay, I'm just in a really crap mood, cos I just got my wisdom teeth out... I never said that technicality = creativity, I just think that it is a lot more creative to come up with some crazy mixed up riff than something really straight and basic...
Music is creative when there is a context, a purpose, when it is done with real emotion, songwriting skills, doesn't matter if it is really technical or not...shred is a random Exhibition of how fast your fingers can play, nothing more, there is no substance, i'm not against solos or anything like that, but they have to actually work, and it isn't the case with Dream theater. You are not going to convince anyone here that nonsense prog metal and ultracomplex solos are the highest form of music, don't even try.