Over-rated by whom? I hardly hear them mentioned here.
T'would appear not.
Was rather a surprise due to the support they have at gigs, in magazines etc.
New Wave of Old School Death Metal?NWOSDM
New Wave of Old School Death Metal?
Good tag, very compact.
No offense taken, but I don't really understand this criticism. What is futile about them?and no offense to cookiecutter, but most (if not all) slam death is an excercise in futility.
NWOSDM = New wave of Swedish Death Metal. In Flames, At the Gates, etc.
Big WTF @ people mentioning the following bands:
At the Gates
Bolt Thrower
Rotting Christ
Black Sabbath
You have to admit, that newer Immortal stuff (e.g. Sons of Northern Darkness) gets way too much praise. But yeah, older Immortal (e.g. Pure Holocaust) is some of the best bm out there.
aaanyway, I'll probably get a lot of flack for this one, but I've always felt Summoning was very overrated. I mean, I like a lot of quality black metal. In fact, it's my favorite kind of music, but I just could never get into Summoning. They're just way too cheesed-out for me. My tolerance is not quite that high.
No offense taken, but I don't really understand this criticism. What is futile about them?