Bands you feel are overrated

Achrisk:There's no correct or incorrect answer. If I listed, the roster would be pretty big comprised of both classic and non-classic bands but why piss off people just for kicks?
I will allow myself this generalization and say that 99% of USBM(of both select and non-select bands) I've heard hasn't impressed me at all.
pretty much any deathcore/scenegrind band
pretty much all Finnish neoclassical melodeath (that means you too, COB)
and no offense to cookiecutter, but most (if not all) slam death is an excercise in futility.

also these bands:

Cannibal Corpse
Six Feet Under (I'm with the Greys on this, how does this band sell albums?
Lamb Of God
Slipknot (see my comment about SFU)
Big WTF @ people mentioning the following bands:

At the Gates
Bolt Thrower
Rotting Christ
Black Sabbath

I personally tend to find these overrated:

Blut Aus Nord

I mean around these parts, obviously.
I'm a bit embarrassed to admit it, but until recently I had never really given a proper listen to anything released by At The Gates before that steaming pile of shit known as 'Slaughter of the Soul'. Well, I recently listened to 'The Red in the Sky is Ours' and let me just say that it sounded like a really fucking fantastic album. I need to listen to more of this old ATG stuff.

aaanyway, I'll probably get a lot of flack for this one, but I've always felt Summoning was very overrated. I mean, I like a lot of quality black metal. In fact, it's my favorite kind of music, but I just could never get into Summoning. They're just way too cheesed-out for me. My tolerance is not quite that high.
Big WTF @ people mentioning the following bands:

At the Gates
Bolt Thrower
Rotting Christ
Black Sabbath

You have to admit, that newer Immortal stuff (e.g. Sons of Northern Darkness) gets way too much praise. But yeah, older Immortal (e.g. Pure Holocaust) is some of the best bm out there.
You have to admit, that newer Immortal stuff (e.g. Sons of Northern Darkness) gets way too much praise. But yeah, older Immortal (e.g. Pure Holocaust) is some of the best bm out there.

Yeah, I can agree with that, though I tend to enjoy the newer stuff as well, especially "At the Heart...", if mostly when beer is present...

The thing is, though, that the cheese-factor that was also present on the early albums, is multiplied by like eight when combined with the "arena-rock" style of the newer albums. It gets borderline unbearable. :erk:

Good on ye for listening to "The Red..."! Absolutely monumental album! :rock:
aaanyway, I'll probably get a lot of flack for this one, but I've always felt Summoning was very overrated. I mean, I like a lot of quality black metal. In fact, it's my favorite kind of music, but I just could never get into Summoning. They're just way too cheesed-out for me. My tolerance is not quite that high.

Summoning are rather over-rated, but I still love them. It's Dol Guldur that gets all the hype and I find that to be their most boring album.