bands you like and hate!

I seriously have no idea what you are trying to say here.........

Um, that wasn't suppose to post./ Why I typed "properly" instyead of "probably" I'm not sure.
Anyway, if you are saying that Vplbeat is nothing more than what Social Distortion and Dropkick do, will those bands do nothing more than 50s rockabilly. So your comparison is kind of fallen flat I think.
I have tried multiple times.
They just don't click for me.

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Um, that wasn't suppose to post./ Why I typed "properly" instyead of "probably" I'm not sure.
Anyway, if you are saying that Vplbeat is nothing more than what Social Distortion and Dropkick do, will those bands do nothing more than 50s rockabilly. So your comparison is kind of fallen flat I think.

Come on man. I get your point, but that's a bit of a reach...

Anyhow, when those bands ruled the 90s, Volbeat would have fit in well with them, and they too would have been on Warped Tour (And NOT OZzfest, as they probably would be if Ozzfest were still around)
I can't stand Volbeat's vocals. They sound like they're running through about $1,000,000,000 worth of Vocoder and pitch-shift hardware. I mean, come on. If you're gonna sing about cadillacs and gangsters and smoking guns then I don't want your album to sound like it was terraformed using computer software. Now, I live out in Oil Country and Volbeat is so popular here, it's outrageous. When Volbeat plays Alberta they do like 5 shows. They'll spend a weekend at the oil rigs. Volbeat's on the radio here and everyone hails them as the new Metallica.

I don't hate them because they are popular, but their popularity makes them more annoying for me.
1. Leghost
Sure, they may be more plastic than metal, but every song is awesome!

2. Brick Mistress

3. Cragglemass
OK, we get it. You’re doooooom. The doom of all minifigs. Now go away!
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