Bands you like, that refuse to put out an album.

I think a lot of bands get caught up in chasing perfection and forget it's all about producing a product for people to appreciate, I do this too and it's incredibly frustrating.
Ah and Wintersun of course, I 3rd that.

He's working on the new material, but his first album didn't make him exactly rich, and you just don't pull that kind of shit out of your ass. I understand Mäenpää's situation.
Although I REALLY like Toxic Grind Machine. I'm willing to throw him some grace because it's not a band that performs live, and I know how studio projects go :lol:.

But in all seriousness, I can't for the life of me figure out why a band would slag along, not just for a few months but for YEARS on releasing a proper album.
Hell yeah Toxic Grind machine. Amazing. Also the world record I belive is held by necrophagist
Yeah, I was gonna say Necrophagist as well.
Also one Marco Minneman Drum clinic I went to a friend asked him about a project him and Muhammed were gonna do. Supposed to be "like necrophagist but with more dynamics" but he said they gonna take their time with it.

That sounds like a release worth waiting for.