bands you think suck

Thing with Tool is that the took a tonne of LSD, used Alex Grey artwork on their albums and the fans tend to associate with things they cannot understand. Alister Crowley is a good example.

PS...Hypocrisy feckin' own.
[KOTNO]Narrot said:
wow, metalized, haven't seen you in a long time. how are you?
I am ok. I changed my job and I have a lot of reading to do to be able to actually work in my new post. But that is cool with me. :)

Other than that, too few concerts, even less bying of metal goodies, but I have a great reward: Living with Tee. It is reaaally good. I would recomend you to take up living with Tee, but there is only one Tee, so I only suggest that you visit Tee and Metalized in Croatia. :)
Jobs suck unless it what you want to do.

I feel sorry for the poor folks who work endless hours at mindless jobs just to buy more useless shit.

edit...nobody wants to go to croatia!

Devy_Metal said:
i dont have a job and i need one, really badly.
yeah, that is a pain in the ass when you don't have a job. and even worse when cannot live of dad's or someone else's money. I have had that situation and hope to never have it again.
Of course I would opt for a rich dad, but for now I am more than satisfied that I have a job.
Final_Product said:
Jobs suck unless it what you want to do.

I feel sorry for the poor folks who work endless hours at mindless jobs just to buy more useless shit.

edit...nobody wants to go to croatia!

well job is just job. Average people simply HAVE TO WORK.
But if job is a hobby as well, then it can be fun as well.

I am lucky in this field, cause I used to be Sysadmin and now I am working with routers and staff like that. And I like that shit.

As far as Croatia is concerned: You are right. Nobody normal. But there are some people who listen to Nevermore as well. lol
metalized said:
well job is just job. Average people simply HAVE TO WORK.
But if job is a hobby as well, then it can be fun as well.

I am lucky in this field, cause I used to be Sysadmin and now I am working with routers and staff like that. And I like that shit.

As far as Croatia is concerned: You are right. Nobody normal. But there are some people who listen to Nevermore as well. lol

I agree, sometimes folks just gotta work...but sometimes I think we could all be happier if we just realised we don't need alot of the stuff we buy, and instead of working spent the time with familes and loved ones.

I like Croatia...I've visited once, and your all crazy :p
i think it is a fountain of societies that people have to work. u r right about buying stuff, but we can buy stuff AND b with the loved ones. But we have to work anyway.

I am not really a Croat. I moved into Croatia 3,5 yrs ago. I am from Greece.
metalized said:
i think it is a fountain of societies that people have to work. u r right about buying stuff, but we can buy stuff AND b with the loved ones. But we have to work anyway.

I am not really a Croat. I moved into Croatia 3,5 yrs ago. I am from Greece.

See now Greece I adore! I'm a classics scholar and I've spent much time in Greece looking at various forms of old bricks and pots! :lol:
LOL I don't adore Greece that much. It is ok, but it has nothing to do with Ancient Greece. Although, i know i should b proud blah-blah (at least that is what people say -- but the funniest thing is when they say: You should be proud, cause you have that ancient heritage and you are the football european champions. LOOOOOOOOOL), I am not very proud of the Greek modern culture. If one can call this culture. But I have to admit that Greece has become one of the super powers of metal in Europe. :)
metalized said:
LOL I don't adore Greece that much. It is ok, but it has nothing to do with Ancient Greece. Although, i know i should b proud blah-blah (at least that is what people say -- but the funniest thing is when they say: You should be proud, cause you have that ancient heritage and you are the football european champions. LOOOOOOOOOL), I am not very proud of the Greek modern culture. If one can call this culture. But I have to admit that Greece has become one of the super powers of metal in Europe. :)

Yeah...Greece HAD such great history, It's not so great now. I should have said "I adore, ancient Greece!" :)

European football champions...pah! You all just kept the full team in defence, it was a boring final! Greece is amazing for metal though, yes!
Final_Product said:
Yeah...Greece HAD such great history, It's not so great now. I should have said "I adore, ancient Greece!" :)

European football champion...pah! You all just kept the full team in defence, it was a boring final! Greece is amazing for metal though, yes!
I agree with both. Greece always played boring football. And will never get better. and I believe that the Chechs should have won the cup. but who said that life's fair? ah!

bye dude