bands you think suck

Necromunchkin said:
all I can do is drink more whisky and listen to Morbid Angel. Which will likely provoke someone to mention how much they suck too.

That'll probably be Will.
Will Bozarth said:

well yeah, but i'm curious why -my- posts made her sad

It's just your Hendrix posts. For me, when someone says a band or player "sucks" it means the person knows that the band or player is not good, is horrible, is bad, can't play well or write good music. When you say Jimi Hendrix "sucks," that's what I think you're saying.

About the other thing I said; I said it because of all the people that don't know anything about music, who think actual good music "sucks," and who think terrible music is good(for examples of these types of people, visit Personally, if my dad recomends a band to me, I already know that the band must be good. If one of my friends recommends me a band, then I won't be sure.
Did someone say Morbid Angel sucks.

Trey > Jeff Loomis.... by a long shot.
Will Bozarth said:
well, I think Hendrix writes bad and plays bad music. so what?

So fuck. :Spin:

LadyValerie said:
It's just your Hendrix posts. For me, when someone says a band or player "sucks" it means the person knows that the band or player is not good, is horrible, is bad, can't play well or write good music. When you say Jimi Hendrix "sucks," that's what I think you're saying.

Knowing and thinking are two different things :)
Argument over ;)