bands you think suck

Will Bozarth said:
Because Mustaine's vocals are shitty

As much as I love Megadeth, I agree, fact Dave can't sing for shit. But in my opinion, his guitarwork and songwriting, along with everything else, makes up for it.

Plus, he's very overrated as a lead player. His earlier solos, especially, like the last Holy Wars solo. It was just plain sloppy. Phrasing was just, well, lacking. He's an exellent rhythm guitarist, though, and his riffs are fucking sweet.

My list: (Some of these bands I put up here not necessarily because they suck, but more so the fact that either I'm sick of them, or they're just plain annoying.)

Slayer - Love their earlier stuff, up until after Seasons in the Abyss. Too repetitive, though, like AC/DC. I got sick of Slayer easily. Kickass band, but they get boring really quickly. Not that the suck, so to speak, but I've gotten sick of em, and I'm sure their new shit's gonna be no different than anything they've done since Seasons in the Abyss.

Evanesence - Thank God I've heard nothing about them in the past three months.

KoRn - Captain Obvious saves the day!

Terror - Most overrated hardcore/punk-metal band...EVER! (Even more so than Hatebreed.)

Anal Cunt - Good for a laugh, sometimes, but "I laughed at you because your kid just died" just plain pissed me off. (I guess they're doing their job, then.) Not cause I have a kid, cause I don't, but for other reasons. Plus, the music itself sucks anyway. "Van Full of Retards" is kinda funny, though.

Dillenger Escape Plan - I'll admit they have a lot of potential, but Miss Machine sucked big time.

Cephalic Carnage - Great in the studio, horrible live. Though I thought it was pretty funny when their bassist ended up running off stage in the middle of a song, and started rocking out in the restaurant/billiards area of the venue.
Slayer is really boring. Decent guitar tracks, kick ass drummer, tom doesnt even play his bass, and every guitar solo is the same, *slides fingers up and down the strings wille pulling whammy bar to get that tremelo squeeking sound* Its fucking annnoying.

The_River_Dragon said:
Dillenger Escape Plan - I'll admit they have a lot of potential, but Miss Machine sucked big time.

I disagree. I thought Miss Machine was the perfect mix of melody and chaos.

DEP owns my balls. :cool:
Tempest said:
:lol: :lol: I just heard Megadeth - Sweating Bullets on Hard Attack, god damn that song blows.


Every megadeth song i've heard has made me laugh.
Tempest said:
Whhaaaaaaaaaat? thats a GREAT line IMO.

In this spacial oddity, this viral commodity
The astronaut listens to voices that call

Oh's some more great lines....same song too.

My point is that it's just metal music,'s not genius, it's not literature...the Megadeth shit is no dumber than this.
Devy_Metal said:
i think it's dumb, too.

Good...I can think it's dumb and still enjoy the overall listening experience.

If you really broke down and analyzed all the lyrics and every fucking note played by any band or'd end up listening to nothing and having no enjoyment from music.

If music is political, will you not listen to it if it doesn't agree with your views? Or do you just say, Hey...this is a cool song. When you're forcing thousands of words to rhyme, there's a pretty good chance some of it will sound fucking stupid.
schenkadere said:
In this spacial oddity, this viral commodity
The astronaut listens to voices that call

Oh's some more great lines....same song too.

whatever, it sucks, but I still think the heroes and rapists line was really good.