bands you think suck

yeah hes trying to be "the better man" and walk away. Meanwhile I'm perfectly content with being the immature douche bag.
metalskater7 said:
How do you know what his wife looks like?
because Derek posted her picture...

Will Bozarth said:
some news for the 2 guys that don't like us dissing those big bands from the early days.

Most of us were not around then. We did not feel how it was back then. For anyone that wasn't around then, it means jack shit to them. There are more solid musicians and more emotional musicians. I am 18. There are people on here younger than me. There are people here slightly older than me (early 20s, mid-20s). Most of us weren't around when Hendrix was stirring shit up. What we know about is how bizarre Age of SIlence is, how Warrel writes interesting lyrics, and how much Korn influenced a gigantic change of what "metal" was in the media's eye.

This is a new generation, no longer "wow"ed by previous generations of music that molded the music that we call ours.

Sorry...didn't realize you were just children...your views make more sense'll grow up to be nice metal heads one day.
Final_Product said:
not everybody is kids here man.

we're just not all as old as you! :p

Does your mommy know you're spending so much time on the computer bouncing between fanboy boards and gayboy porno?

I'm kidding.

Yup...I'm an old fart compared to you infants...oh well...I need to go have my prunes.
Stormrider1981 said:
Well, they'll be sad to hear that their heads won't ever grow to your bloated size ;)

What's the evidence of that? Here we go again...I defend someone not "sucking" and I'm accused of a bloated ego? Wow...turn that one around...guess you're always right, huh?...I'm just being the devil's advocate.