bands you think suck

metalkingdom said:
Ummm.... sure.
Why is that so unbelievable? His music is all petatonics, its pretty simple. You're making me start to think you know nothing about music.
Ever heard of Olaf Thorsen? He played like he did in Labyrinth 2 years after picking up a guitar for the first time. Jeff Loomis mastered Yngwie at 15 years old. I doubt that Hendrix took either one of them more than a day.
Stormrider1981 said:
I kind of see your point about musicians deserving respect, but to be honest you're not exactly deserving of respect either by giving yourself a virtuoso-amidst-dabblers attitude.

As for ol' Hendrix, well, the man has made some innovations to the guitar music, to be sure, but that doesn't mean everyone should like his music. I, for one, get bored after listening to two minutes of El Jimi. But that doesn't mean I think he was a loser.

So you're both right. And both wrong ^_^

Well, I definitely don't need the respect from any of you guys since none of you signs my checks. I don't consider myself to be any sort of virtuoso, and I am, and have always have been, in complete awe of the few people that are blessed with that gift. It is a rare and special thing, and to disrespect that is very offensive to me.

But anyway, I absolutely agree that people can listen and like what they want. My original point was that it is IMPOSSIBLE to be a rock guitarist and think that Jimi Hendrix "sucks". That's it.
Dead_Lioness said:
I guess its this will be an aweful time to make my joke
of how this:

is the best Pantera album, eh? ;)


LOL!!!!!!! :worship:

I agree with your point D_L
metalkingdom said:
Well, I definitely don't need the respect from any of you guys since none of you signs my checks. I don't consider myself to be any sort of virtuoso, and I am, and have always have been, in complete awe of the few people that are blessed with that gift. It is a rare and special thing, and to disrespect that is very offensive to me.

But anyway, I absolutely agree that people can listen and like what they want. My original point was that it is IMPOSSIBLE to be a rock guitarist and think that Jimi Hendrix "sucks". That's it.

Well, it isn't impossible, because I do. Ok?
metalskater7 said:
Why is that so unbelievable? His music is all petatonics, its pretty simple. You're making me start to think you know nothing about music.

No, that would be you.
This thread is so hilarious. I cant believe a 36 year old man is trying to justify his opinions by listing his personal accomplishments in life, in attempt to reason that he is more correct concerning a TOTALLY SUBJECTIVE SUBJECT due to a few completly arbitrary and completely irrelevant facts. In any event, arguments on the internet are generally pointless, and often lead to pointless, unnessecary personal attacks, so play nice children.

P.S. I like hendrix's music, and I think he was a great guitar player

P.P.S. Meshuggah too
metalkingdom said:
My original point was that it is IMPOSSIBLE to be a rock guitarist and think that Jimi Hendrix "sucks". That's it.
Not true. What if I worship Richie Blackmoor and think Jimi Henrix is an overrated piece of garbage? Hypothetically of course.
Will ready.... watch

Will Bozarth said:
Jimmy Hendrix is a guitar god, i respect him so much

Ok, NOW your a good guitarist, good job man.

Aso for metal kingdom, how bout you shut up and go nail that dog faced blow pig you like to call your wife, you know the chick that Metalskater7 likes to call his "nasty little butt slut".