bands you think suck

metalkingdom said:
You know, I almost deleted my last post and apologized to you guys for being so hostile. Then I remembered the stupid racial shit that frequents these boards, the disrespect shown towards metal legends and heroes, and this post ^^^^. So, fuck that.

You know, I used to be just like you when I was junior high. I used to get really angry at kids who did anything to do with 3rd Reich Germany, or just blatant disrespect to people who are deserving (such as allied soldiers in the second world war, persecuted jews who had unjustly suffered, etc.), but I've discovered that iconoclasm to be probably the worst way to destroy an idea, however it's the best way to preserve a symbol which should remain powerful (think of the Byzantine iconoclastic controveries for another example). Therefore, by forcefully eradicating the symbols of the past, while they still remain in common memory, keeps the symbols at a potency at which they had held at the time they were destroyed, and therefore when they are brought up, they remain as powerful as ever.

Just because it makes sense in the context, Dimebag Darrell can be seen as a symbol, and by him being murdered, he himself as a symbol has been intensified because of his loss. Thusly people will be more apt to remember him as this (intensified) symbol stood for (musical talent, rock and roll, the rock and roll lifestyle) than for a realistic vision of what he actually was.
Furthermore, after he, as a living person, has been destroyed as a symbol, that particular living symbol is dead, however he can live on as a fixed symbol in produced images, which can possibly result in idolatry of them/him and that symbol for which he stood for.

...but humans are like that, they tend to be idealists to an irrational level and they like symbolic representation of their ideals. It's pretty much unavoidable.

You'll probably just disagree with me (partly on incomprehension of what I'm trying to say, and partly because of belligerence would be my guesses if you do) but hey, flame on!
Another instance of this happening in the world today, (I thought of this while in the shower after making this post) is Islam and the depictions of Mohammed by that Danish newspaper. Mohammed has this prestige which they wish to preserve in its essential purity by disallowing any images of him being made, and it's blasphemy if such an image is made.

A difference in mentality, by the principle is the same, the man is lost, the symbol of what the man actually stood for is intensified, and because images of him are disallowed he becomes this intensified idea and this idea cannot be allowed to be degraded by a visual representation, lest it fall into idolatry of the person instead of the idea, which is most important.
some news for the 2 guys that don't like us dissing those big bands from the early days.

Most of us were not around then. We did not feel how it was back then. For anyone that wasn't around then, it means jack shit to them. There are more solid musicians and more emotional musicians. I am 18. There are people on here younger than me. There are people here slightly older than me (early 20s, mid-20s). Most of us weren't around when Hendrix was stirring shit up. What we know about is how bizarre Age of SIlence is, how Warrel writes interesting lyrics, and how much Korn influenced a gigantic change of what "metal" was in the media's eye.

This is a new generation, no longer "wow"ed by previous generations of music that molded the music that we call ours.
Pantera used to mean a tonne to me, in highscool I used to sit and listen to vulgar on a tape player! (TAPES! GASP!:p) During some lunch times and occasionally WHILE playing football before classes. And although I don't listen to them much anymore, the riffage and music they were making was DAMN influential and they remain a great band. Not everybody has to like them though, just kinda respect the band for what they done back in the day.

I gotta admit I fucking love Hendrix, Pink Floyd and Led Zep! CLASSIC BANDS! One of my first memories as a young adult was sitting on a Marshall 100W amp listening to my friends dad drink straight vodka and insist we all sit in silence as he played "Bike" from piper at the gates of dawn. That song has special memories for me now.

I think your all actually making the same points: music means different things to different people and while we all dont have to like the same music, we should appreciate the feelings others have for those songs/albums/bands.

MajestikMøøse said:
You know, I used to be just like you when I was junior high.

When you've lived in three different countries before the age of 20, fought in foreign wars, became a professional musician, engineered and/or produced many multi-platinum records, produced live broadcasts of the U.S. Supreme Court, have three kids and a hot wife with big natural boobs... then you're getting close.

A big vocabulary isn't impressive, either. Also, I don't need the sociology lesson. Everything that you said I used to say in junior high.

Good music is timeless. It doesn't matter if you were alive or not when it was created.
Will Bozarth said:
This is a new generation, no longer "wow"ed by previous generations of music that molded the music that we call ours.

Like I said before, try to learn some Jimi Hendrix.

If you end up becoming a musician, you'll realize how dumb you sound.
Will Bozarth said:
well, then don't step on the fucking toes of those that don't like what you like, and those that haven't lived what you lived

It would be a lot easier to do if you and your butt-buddies weren't so arrogant.
Because your playing is shit.

This is what you need to do -

STFU and listen.
Eat some humble pie.
Understand that 36 year old guys who have been doing this for 20+ years (10 years PROFESSIONALLY) may actually know what they're talking about.
Think about how the bands that YOU LIKE even came into existence.
Realize that stupid remarks about race, jest or no jest, are just stupid.
STFU and listen.

That's for starters.
metalkingdom said:
When you've lived in three different countries before the age of 20, fought in foreign wars, became a professional musician, engineered and/or produced many multi-platinum records, produced live broadcasts of the U.S. Supreme Court, have three kids and a hot wife with big natural boobs... then you're getting close.

Ah yes. The typical "my dad can beat up your dad" unverifiable Internet boasts. Impressive.
Ok? and Hendrix playing is shit. and why do you keep playing the race card? get over the fact that we DONT CARE THAT YOU ARE NOT WHITE. we don't give a shit. we also don't care WHO YOU LIKE OR DON'T LIKE. this is a "fun thread" on a message board. why are you getting so bent out of shape?

as for my playing being shit. I KNOW! but, I also write music that I enjoy. Other people enjoy it, too! Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that everyone else doesn't like it. We're in America, pal. We can say things suck if we think they suck... and you, sir, suck.
metalkingdom said:
Because your playing is shit.

This is what you need to do -

STFU and listen.
Eat some humble pie.
Understand that 36 year old guys who have been doing this for 20+ years (10 years PROFESSIONALLY) may actually know what they're talking about.
Think about how the bands that YOU LIKE even came into existence.
Realize that stupid remarks about race, jest or no jest, are just stupid.
STFU and listen.

That's for starters.


sorry, doctors tell me i am highly allergic to assholes :yuk: