bands you think suck

I dont think anyone here has claimed to be smarter than you, however your posts are not really building a strong case for you either. Mind yourself, assumptions and stereotypes get you no where and inevtiably end up biting you in the ass my friend.
hahahahahhahahahhaahahahaaha ...

damn, metalkingdom, despite the fact that you seriously buy into everything you say and that really affirms why i have no faith in the human race ... it was still quite amusing reading that post. thank you, sir :tickled:
metalkingdom said:
And you know this because you are an excellent guitar player? FUCK YOU.

I gotta say this -

It's really unfortunate that the BEST band on Ultimatemetal has the LAMEST, MOST STUPID, MOST IGNORANT, MOST ARROGANT, MOST DISRESPECTFUL, IMMATURE brain dead pieces of shit trolling on their forum. Almost every single one of you (with the exception of the lovely Lady Val, Stealer, Final Product and a few others) are fucking fake ass metallers. I just can't believe some of the shit that I read here. It's beyond sad. Fucking losers with big fucking mouths and JACK SHIT to back it up. Fuck you!!!

R.I.P. DIMEBAG FUCKING DARRELL - THE GREATEST METAL GUITARIST OF ALL FUCKING TIME...BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well fine then, you don't get a cookie.
man, lets see how many aneurysms we can give this metalkingdom guy in a single thread! make a sport out of it!

ok my turn:

Dimebag was an overrated guitarist and Pantera was a really lame band.
metalkingdom said:
Man, fuck you and you too. I spent my entire life devoted to music and heavy metal in particular. I've made more money in the goddamn music business than ANYBODY YOU FUCKING KNOW PUT TOGETHER. And it wasn't by accident you faggots. The whole spirit of metal was lost somewhere between Nancy Reagan's brainwashing techniques and feeling sorry for faggots on MTV. Even if you don't watch MTV, you've been fuckin brainwashed by it. I saw it happen with my own fucking eyes. I'm here for Nevermore, not to socialize with pussies. This is the dumbest and most childish fucking thread ever - that's why I'm doing this.

And for you idiots that think that you're "smarter" than me somehow, think again....

from what I see, you seem to be here for Slayer and Dimebag.

You know, even if we don't really like his music, it doesn't mean we don't respect him. You can't be serious when you expect everyone to like the exact same fucking bands. That's almost worst then those hardcore kids.

What seems even more ridiculous is that you seem to have put some kind of quota on the bands one has to like to be a "real" metaller. Who the hell are you to decide?
metalkingdom said:
And you know this because you are an excellent guitar player? FUCK YOU.

I gotta say this -

It's really unfortunate that the BEST band on Ultimatemetal has the LAMEST, MOST STUPID, MOST IGNORANT, MOST ARROGANT, MOST DISRESPECTFUL, IMMATURE brain dead pieces of shit trolling on their forum. Almost every single one of you (with the exception of the lovely Lady Val, Stealer, Final Product and a few others) are fucking fake ass metallers. I just can't believe some of the shit that I read here. It's beyond sad. Fucking losers with big fucking mouths and JACK SHIT to back it up. Fuck you!!!

R.I.P. DIMEBAG FUCKING DARRELL - THE GREATEST METAL GUITARIST OF ALL FUCKING TIME...BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck you, motherfucker.

You think Dimebag was the greatest metal guitarist of all time? You are really fucking stupid if you believe that. And calling us "fake ass metalers?" What the fuck is that shit? You do realize that Pantera were probably the FAKEST of any metal band ever, right? Do I have to remind you of the fucking Kyle Thomas clone Phil Anselmo? The fucking blatent EXHORDER ripoff that shitty band was before they decided to be tough? And guess what...Dimebag's playing was DECENT, AT BEST. He was OVER RATED. Just because someone is dead doesn't mean I have to respect them, you dumb shit.
You know, I almost deleted my last post and apologized to you guys for being so hostile. Then I remembered the stupid racial shit that frequents these boards, the disrespect shown towards metal legends and heroes, and this post ^^^^. So, fuck that.
People only started to really give a shit about dime after he died. It's like "yeah, dime's pretty good, pantera wasn't anything special, phil's a fag"


take that for what it's worth.
metalkingdom said:
You know, I almost deleted my last post and apologized to you guys for being so hostile. Then I remembered the stupid racial shit that frequents these boards, the disrespect shown towards metal legends and heroes, and this post ^^^^. So, fuck that.

gah, you're worse then the muslim extremists, you're expecting everyone to love exactly the same thing as you.

Are we not allowed our own opinion on what music we can like? I never got into Pantera, but who cares? I sure don't, and you shouldn't either.
