as long as we're debating matters of personal opinion...
i think faggot is a horrible word. i hate it whenever anyone uses the word gay as an insult or to describe or imply the stupidity of a thing/action which obviously has no sexual orientation. i don't see why a sexual orientation can be used as an insult. i think it's the most hypocritical, idiotic thing when someone will shoot off the words faggot and queer every 2 seconds and then adamently proclaim they can't stand racists. i try not to push my views on people, but if i do ask someone nicely not to use the aforementioned words around me, they accuse me of being up-tight and insisting that they're just words, etc. of course i know that if someone came in spouting off the word my pals or spic, they'd be all over them telling them to shut up. so why do gay people not get the same kind of consideration? don't say that gay people have all the same rights as straight people so they should just stop complaining. i'm not even talking about marriage and adoption (that's a whole different rant) - i'm talking about respect of basic rights as a human being.
oh yeah, and ... uhh ... Primus sucks.