bands you think suck

En Vind Av Sorg said:
This thread is so hilarious. I cant believe a 36 year old man is trying to justify his opinions by listing his personal accomplishments in life, in attempt to reason that he is more correct concerning a TOTALLY SUBJECTIVE SUBJECT due to a few completly arbitrary and completely irrelevant facts. In any event, arguments on the internet are generally pointless, and often lead to pointless, unnessecary personal attacks, so play nice children.

P.S. I like hendrix's music, and I think he was a great guitar player

P.P.S. Meshuggah too

I actually don't believe that this is a subjective issue. I also believe that just anybody's (aka Joe Schmo with a big mouth) opinion doesn't mean shit.
metalkingdom said:
I also believe that just anybody's (aka Joe Schmo with a big mouth) opinion doesn't mean shit.
The man on the one dollar bill would slap you silly, boy. Get out of this country.
Vic Rattlehead said:
Are you Batman? Because I think Batman would have a red phone direct to Loomis.

im actually BatDan


*disappears into the darkness*

Hahaha, I dont think he knows you took them. I'd ask for some copies.... but I'm not interested in seeing either of them.

James maybe, definately not that chick under him.
They are all over the internet, I made sure to post 'em.

Remember I made that scrap-book full of naked James pictures I got from stalking, for you?

That was one sexy book.
I think I'm gonna go to the gym and workout just my ass everyday for a month. How sexy would that be, skinny dude with a built ass.