bands you think suck

Well, the first album is the most At the Gates-ish, the riffs are kinda similar, but groovier. After that they have been drifting more towards metalcore and hc punk with every release. If you decide to check out their albums don't expect anything innovative.
Ragnaviper said:
Visions of Atlantis - Hideous 3rd rate Nightwish clone with terribly uninspired vocals
In Flames - Some of the worst Gothenburg drivel I've ever heard, and I'm not just talking about their new stuff
Between the Buried and Me - Vomit

What Gothenburg bands do you prefer? I find early In Flames to be more musical...I mean,'s refered to as melodic death metal, right?
schenkadere said:
What Gothenburg bands do you prefer? I find early In Flames to be more musical...I mean,'s refered to as melodic death metal, right?

By early do you mean Lunar Strain / Subterranean?

In my opinion The Jester Race = heavy metal.
jester race is awesome, whoracle and colony are awesome too. lunar strain/subterranean again, awesome. see a similiar theme here? all those releases are melodic death metal of the swedish brand.

some of the best songs they wrote were on lunar strain/sub. too bad they neglect that album
schenkadere said:
Yeah...I have to agree with you there.

I have Jester Race, Whoracle, Colony and Clayman. Are Lunar and Sub that much different?

I think the music is technically much closer to death metal on the first two albums, it's a lot more raw. And the melodies are better. I think they kinda lost the Maiden influence on their later albums.
because their music doesnt interest me, and everyone has those morrison posters and shirts that praise him as some great american poet... and from what i've heard of his work, i think its pretty overrated.
Tempest said:
because their music doesnt interest me, and everyone has those morrison posters and shirts that praise him as some great american poet... and from what i've heard of his work, i think its pretty overrated.

Fag. :p