Bands you would love to see at Heathen Crusade

That's their myspace, it has 1 song from the album I found. If you're a downloader I could pm you the link if the myspace grabs ya.

I like what I hear. But I'm not a downloader. I've put my foot in my mouth many times in various forums speaking out against (illegal) downloading.

That's why my CD collection is over 3,000 strong. If there's even a remote chance I like something, I seek it out and buy it.

These guys could be a nice addition to HC3.

But, first, I'd like to see these bands added to the roster:

Arkona or Alkonost
I don't really understand all the Agalloch love. I do enjoy some of their earlier work, but there are so many other bands I'd rather see play at a Heathen Crusade over them. Everyone has their own tastes though.
how people can be in love with immortal is beyond me >_>

and I just said I liked 1 maiden album but never cared enough to dl others haha