Barack Obama - awesome status confirmed

Must be nice to have the option of seeing a doctor when you need to, without worrying about going without groceries or gas because of the bill you have to pay for a half hour visit.

Because war would work so much better?

Yeah, it is quite nice actually. I'm not sure of your tone here, but am I supposed to feel bad because I have a state job with good benefits?? (Oh, I make $23k after taxes by the way).

No, because the president of Iran isn't to be trusted. They supply weapons to Hamas and support blatant terrorism. He refers to Israel as a stinking corpse and thinks it should be wiped off the map. Yeah, let's sit with the "man" without preconditions.

I wasn't trying to imply that any person's one way of doing things is right and everyone else's wrong, just that 10 different people will have 10 different ways of doing something, and when 1 person is appointed to do it, 9 people are going to be in dissagreement. No matter who is in there trying to fix things, theres going to be a shitload of people pissed and worried that things are gonna get fucked. That's all. :)

Yes, you are right...but I'm not sure where you are going with this post?

I am weary of his future as our president because I don't agree with his policies and how he is proposing to handle things.

Anyways, no hard feelings. Politics always leads to a shit storm.

See, the issue here is tons of people are saying "oh, he's just a good public speaker, that doesn't mean squat", but what does it even mean to be a good public speaker? To me, it's just someone who can read words in a captivating way with good diction, pacing, etc., but in my OP I tried to make clear that it was much more than that, it was the content of what he said that so moved me, and it could've come from Stephen Hawking for all I care and it would've had the same effect (almost :D). I for one believe he means what he says, and even if someone wrote it for him and fed him those opinions, that person probably believes and stands by it, and Obama listens to him, so fuck it, it's the same thing AFAIC!
See, the issue here is tons of people are saying "oh, he's just a good public speaker, that doesn't mean squat", but what does it even mean to be a good public speaker? To me, it's just someone who can read words in a captivating way with good diction, pacing, etc., but in my OP I tried to make clear that it was much more than that, it was the content of what he said that so moved me, and it could've come from Stephen Hawking for all I care and it would've had the same effect (almost :D). I for one believe he means what he says, and even if someone wrote it for him and fed him those opinions, that person probably believes and stands by it, and Obama listens to him, so fuck it, it's the same thing AFAIC!

Hey bro, time will tell how he puts his words into action. I want to have hope for the future of our country, I really do. I hope good things are in store even if I don't foresee it happening.

Aside from my earlier post, I basically have nothing else to offer apart from saying that I am in fact holding on to some amount of skepticism of Obama's capability, willingness and ability to take action rather than sit around "having tea parties" but honestly, he hasn't been in office all that long. You've had Bush making a fucking sandwich of it for the past 8 years. Nothing's going to change instantaneously, and as much as we'd all like to see shit changing NOW, it just isn't going to happen for a little while, and that's plain as day IMO. The best thing American citizens can do is let Obama know how he's doing with their voices. You were all given mouths, so use them.
I'm not trying to be a "racist obama basher" or anything like that... simply just stating my opinion... take it as a grain of salt if you'd like.

Obama has to be about the biggest deception to date.

You know why he's a good speaker? The fucking teleprompters! Anyone and their mom can do that. There have been several gaffs with typos on the teleprompters and he read them as he saw them... wrong names, reading peoples names twice. Back before he won there was a video of him and his teleprompter dying and he practically started speaking gibberish. greeeeeeat speaker. Him and robert gibbs, A++

But holy shit, how arrogant can a person be? Not to mention everyone I talk to says "voted for him cause I wanna be a part of history" not because of his policies.

When it gets to the point of shit like this (hanging in some new york plaza:

you know shit has hit the fan....

People wanted to ignore all the dirt on him. Obama will go down in the history books as the biggest mistake America ever made.

It's unfolding every day, the debt we have is going to be too large with obama's spending HE even came out and said himself that the "spending is unsustainable" the interest rate on the debt will skyrocket.... dollar crashes... what's next?

We have much bigger problems than abortion at the moment, who gives a fuck what he thinks.

Also! Someone explain to me what was SOOOOO bad about the "previous 8 years" I'm not exactly a bush fan but honestly.... honestly all the Bush bashing is just bangwagon hubalub...
His administration prevented a second 9/11
Aaron, the critical point that I think you are missing in the Ron Paul quote is that the failures of our for profit health care system already necessitated action 35 years ago.
If anything, it's American hubris that leads to the assumption that we totally had it right the first time. Nixon may have made new problems with HMO's but that doesn't negate the fact that there were issues in the first place.
As a pragmatist I think we should look to all of the successful systems in the world right now (and as it turns out they are all state controlled) and try to culminate a plan that applies their strengths and avoids their flaws. If you have an example of a strong non-social system in existence now I'd be curious to hear about it.

Regarding economics, I do agree that government regulations "bog down" industry. However I think that history has shown this to be a necessary evil.
You said that "Obama and his crew know(ing) very little about ecomonics and sound money" and frankly I'm not even sure how to respond to this. It is one thing to disagree with them but I think questioning their knowledge of the subject unless you yourself are an Econ PhD is probably going too far. If nothing else I think it's worth giving some weight to Warren Buffet's opinion of our president.


I admit, I don't know a whole lot about the details of our health care system pre-HMO style, and am very interested. Tell me what you know! What problems necessitated the HMO action?
I guess my largest argument against socialized health care is just the simple fact that our government is $11 trillion in debt, and is in absolutely NO shape to be spending new large quantities of money on anything. The government owes approximately an additional $1.5 billion to our creditors each DAY, in interest. If that doesn't deeply concern every single United States citizen, something is terribly wrong. That said, if drastic enough change can be made in US government spending (change Obama has certainly NOT offered), then I would be much more open to your suggestion of culminating a health care plan that may include partial socialization/government spending...but until then, our country is a sinking ship. Perhaps you don't like Ron Paul's idea of going back to our pre-HMO style of health care, but he is a man who understands the gravity of the monetary situation our country is in, and his ideas and policies are all formulated with that in mind. This, to me, needs to be tackled first before our government should even think about spending new money on health care. When Obama rolled out his budget and passed the ridiculously huge stimulus, and increased our debt by close to $2 trillion, he also announced that within two years he would reduce the deficit by half, while also promising to roll out a universal coverage health care plan :err: Is this guy serious!?
Back to the economics issue, I agree with you that me saying "Obama and his crew know very little about ecomonics and sound money" is obviously the wrong way to put it. They are economically educated people, but I have yet to see them making any decisions that help the larger issues of national debt and a sound money supply. A printing press does not = wealth. A huge part of it is also the Keynesian/Austrian economics debate. Keynesian economics is certainly the common idea these days in Washington DC, but just because it is common and popular does not mean that it's right. I don't have an Econ PhD, but Keynesian economics seems very flawed when contrasted against Austrian economics...

One more thing I want to address, since a few people have brought it up already, is this idea that we need to cut Obama some slack or something since we're still reeling from these terrible, terrible Bush years where he supposedly just drove our entire country nose-first into the ground. If you're talking from a strictly foreign policy standpoint, then it is certainly undeniable that a lot of damage was done in foreign relations and in the United States overall appeal during the Bush administration. However, it is not Bush alone that soured Muslims against us, it was just as much other presidents and administrations who have meddled in other countries' affairs, on their land, and supported locally unpopular regimes. Had the United States been following a policy of non-intervention as our brilliant framers of the constitution had envisioned, then we would be in a vastly different situation today. I am not defending the mistakes made by the Bush administration, but I AM saying that he is only partially to blame, and too often I hear people erroneously pinning everything on him. Al-Qaeda hated our country long before Bush sent troops anywhere... The rest of the world generally dislikes us only because of what our country has done with the war on terror, but our pre-war on terror foreign policies were obviously not good enough to prevent widespread animosity towards us in the Muslim world.
Economically speaking, Bush certainly didn't do anything to help our country's problems, but it's laughable to suggest that something specific his administration did was the sole cause of the worldwide economic turmoil. Our debt has been growing for decades, and our economic approach changes little to none when the government gets traded between Democrats and Republicans. The fundamental differences between Democrats and Republicans in practice are nearly identical.
I like Barack Obama! I´m very impressed, because he´s fighting for the closure of Guantanamo prison very passionate. America appears in a good light again. Can´t wait to visit U.S and the A :)

Closing GITMO straight away (or proposing the plan to) is a big mistake. Good ol' Barry signed off on it without having somewhere to put all of the suspected TERRORISTS! Yes, some might be held without trial and should be dealt with accordingly, but don't believe for a second that they are ALL innocent.

Ah yes, Obama also wants to resettle them amongst the American population! Yes Mr. President, very smart. :rolleyes:

Ah yes, Obama also wants to resettle them amongst the American population! Yes Mr. President, very smart. :rolleyes:


Right, among the American population of super-max prisons. I don't really understand why rational people take issue with this. The leaked "back-to terrorism" stats (1/7 return to military or terrorist action according to the pentagon) for released prisoners should be the real concern.
Right, among the American population of super-max prisons. I don't really understand why rational people take issue with this. The leaked "back-to terrorism" stats (1/7 return to military or terrorist action according to the pentagon) for released prisoners should be the real concern.

Right, but he still hasn't given a clear answer on where, how, or when this will happen. He even attempted on pawning off some of them to our allies, which they weren't having any of. Listen, even I was surprised at how fast he signed the bill to close GITMO. It just seems dangerous to me. I really would like to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he seems to be making some extremely rash decisions so far.

Right, among the American population of super-max prisons. I don't really understand why rational people take issue with this. The leaked "back-to terrorism" stats (1/7 return to military or terrorist action according to the pentagon) for released prisoners should be the real concern.

Super-max prisons? I've heard this suggestion brought up several times. It always ended with... ".....the super-max prisons are full" Why transfer prisoners from a perfectly good prison just to transfer prisoners to another prison and then transfer more to another prison so there is available space?

Obama wants 80 billion to close gitmo. It doesn't cost 80 million to destroy and clean up the rubble of a prison. Not to mention that it will probably take them a whole decade to do it because gov't can't do anything right.
:rolleyes: Gee more Bush hate, how original.


Since when has that been a bad thing? He's an uneducated fuckhead that fucked your country over completely. I'd say the man deserves damn near everything he gets.
And besides, that's some fucking cool artwork either way.
Super-max prisons? I've heard this suggestion brought up several times. It always ended with... ".....the super-max prisons are full" Why transfer prisoners from a perfectly good prison just to transfer prisoners to another prison and then transfer more to another prison so there is available space?

Obama wants 80 billion to close gitmo. It doesn't cost 80 million to destroy and clean up the rubble of a prison. Not to mention that it will probably take them a whole decade to do it because gov't can't do anything right.

The reason why is b/c Gitmo has done insurmountable damage to our international reputation and stands as a monument of shame to pretty much the whole world except for about 40% of Americans.

As far as our max and super max prisons being full-- well they haven't stopped convicting people stateside. According to the AP "There are now about 240 prisoners at Guantanamo Bay" which hardly seems an unmanageable number given that there are over 2 million people in jail in the US currently.

That doesn't mean I don't see the great odds to closing it down right this second, but the biggest obstacle is that no state wants them.
Andy, what you may not know is that Alex Jones is pretty widely regarded as a complete and utter loony, but fuck it, if he's right and Obama is spouting nothing but bullshit, then I'm still grateful that he's as good at it as he is, cuz today's speech really moved me!

While he is regarded by many as loony, the dude is a true patriot and doesn't just spout bullshit without backing it up with hard evidence. I'll admit, he's fanatical and can get annoying, but I think he should be respected for exposing a lot of the bullshit that goes on that people fail to see, or simply choose to turn away from.

Obama is just another puppet for the true powerholders, just like Bush was. Bush was the perfect set-up for the "savior" Obama. What disturbs me is how many people are so blindly sucking this dude's cock. The government has us right where they want us.
Since when has that been a bad thing? He's an uneducated fuckhead that fucked your country over completely. I'd say the man deserves damn near everything he gets.
And besides, that's some fucking cool artwork either way.

In your opinion...

Just because you hate him, or if 90% of America hates him, doesn't mean that he was a BAD president, and it doesn't mean that the last eight years are solely on the shoulders of the man.

Most people that complain about Bush can't even give a good reason why. It's the cool thing to do nowadays.

With all due respect my friend, I've never had an issue with you on this board and intend to keep it that way, but how do you expect me to take your post seriously when in this same thread you started with:

"I don't know shit about politics and I don't really try to pretend that I do..."

That says it all right there for me.

Have a nice day.
