Barack Obama - awesome status confirmed

The reason why is b/c Gitmo has done insurmountable damage to our international reputation and stands as a monument of shame to pretty much the whole world except for about 40% of Americans.

As far as our max and super max prisons being full-- well they haven't stopped convicting people stateside. According to the AP "There are now about 240 prisoners at Guantanamo Bay" which hardly seems an unmanageable number given that there are over 2 million people in jail in the US currently.

That doesn't mean I don't see the great odds to closing it down right this second, but the biggest obstacle is that no state wants them.

You know, if I was the president, the fact that our "international reputation" is damaged wouldn't be the first thing on my mind when it comes to the safety of our citizens.

For some reason, people have this notion that we should care about what everyone and their cousin says about us, our politics, and our policies in general. No offense to Europeans on here, but I hear this a lot from your side.

Why would your opinion of our state of affairs affect us in the slightest?

This is usually the opinion of the apologetic left, so I guess it's a view that I cannot identify with. I respect everyone's beliefs and am willing to hear everyone out on what they have to say, but unless they can back it up with specific reasons them I'm not really interested.

I remember before the election, they were interviewing people from different countries and wanted to know where they stood. One woman in Germany said something to the effect of: "I think Obama should win. America could use a black president..."

Yes, because the color of one's skin really determines how they will run our country. It's opinions like those that really affirm for me that 90% of the world has their heads buried in the sand and doesn't wish to really dig deep into the issues to affirm their views and beliefs.

While he is regarded by many as loony, the dude is a true patriot and doesn't just spout bullshit without backing it up with hard evidence. I'll admit, he's fanatical and can get annoying, but I think he should be respected for exposing a lot of the bullshit that goes on that people fail to see, or simply choose to turn away from.

Obama is just another puppet for the true powerholders, just like Bush was. Bush was the perfect set-up for the "savior" Obama. What disturbs me is how many people are so blindly sucking this dude's cock. The government has us right where they want us.


Same goes for Limbaugh. People LOVVVVE to hate him, but the man has balls and isn't afraid to show it. Yes, he has had his moments of "What the fuck?" comments, but how come Obama doesn't get the same treatment?

For example, I love how the liberal media brushed right over his Special Olympics joke on the Leno show. If that was Bush, he would be torn apart...straight up.


Same goes for Limbaugh. People LOVVVVE to hate him, but the man has balls and isn't afraid to show it. Yes, he has had his moments of "What the fuck?" comments, but how come Obama doesn't get the same treatment?

For example, I love how the liberal media brushed right over his Special Olympics joke on the Leno show. If that was Bush, he would be torn apart...straight up.


What do you mean?...Limbaugh and Fox News (Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck) and The Washington Times and The National Review and The American Spectator and The Weekly Standard and The Wall St Journal and Laura Ingraham, etc., etc., etc.
There are all of these huge juggernauts that are constantly criticizing the president and were constantly defending the last one. I personally think this is very healthy.
What bugs me is when conservatives claim to be unrepresented in the press. Fox News has a higher viewership than MSNBC and CNN combined. Unless you want to dispute Fox's slant, I'd say that means that the conservative veiw point is very well represented to the average American.
Again, I'm not claiming that this is a 'problem.'
In your opinion...

Just because you hate him, or if 90% of America hates him, doesn't mean that he was a BAD president, and it doesn't mean that the last eight years are solely on the shoulders of the man.

Most people that complain about Bush can't even give a good reason why. It's the cool thing to do nowadays.

With all due respect my friend, I've never had an issue with you on this board and intend to keep it that way, but how do you expect me to take your post seriously when in this same thread you started with:

"I don't know shit about politics and I don't really try to pretend that I do..."

That says it all right there for me.

Have a nice day.


I agree with all you are saying...

But come on, that IS cool artwork.
If Ghandi was the Vampire I'd think it was cool too.
I agree with all you are saying...

But come on, that IS cool artwork.
If Ghandi was the Vampire I'd think it was cool too.

Haha, I think it's a great pic actually. I can appreciate it, even if I think it's hilarious haha.

To the poster that originally put it up, I apologize for having sand in my vag when I commented.

Politics fires me up!

What do you mean?...Limbaugh and Fox News (Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck) and The Washington Times and The National Review and The American Spectator and The Weekly Standard and The Wall St Journal and Laura Ingraham, etc., etc., etc.
There are all of these huge juggernauts that are constantly criticizing the president and were constantly defending the last one. I personally think this is very healthy.
What bugs me is when conservatives claim to be unrepresented in the press. Fox News has a higher viewership than MSNBC and CNN combined. Unless you want to dispute Fox's slant, I'd say that means that the conservative veiw point is very well represented to the average American.
Again, I'm not claiming that this is a 'problem.'

I'm actually surprised by that. I didn't know to be honest. You really wouldn't know it based on general opinion when talking to the every day person.

I'm not trying to be a victimized conservative, I just think conservatives are pigeion holed too often and can be stereotyped easier than liberals!

In the end, the media is a business. I need to remind myself of this every now and then. They are not social service, they need to have catchy stories to reel in viewers.

i might be wayyyy up in space here but.

do you guys really think the american people have control over decision making anymore?

our leaders just seem like pawns to me.

decisions are being made, but it could just be 5 old's in a room.
He's painted as quite the savior - especially after the wreck we had in before him. However, I have a hard time seeing him as anything more than a speechmaker - and even then he's made some huge fuckups.

Consider how easy it is to get into serious trouble by saying anything bad about the guy - like the cartoonist whose drawing was completely blown out into fucking space by a bunch of boneheads who accused him of racism for no good reason - and how many people view him as the second coming of every fucking messiah ever. Add in his amazing shortage of moves that aren't just the party line, topped off by the classic Democratic belief that we can drain the deepest end of the swimming pool and leave the shallow end intact. Throw in the usual American race bullshit, so that it's convenient and legitimate to bring race into the picture exactly when he's being praised.

Now take the things that could be painted as good ideas - like closing Gitmo and not being so asstastically stupid with foreign relations - and subtract the ones that aren't common fucking sense, and you're left with... nothing. Great. Well, at least he isn't being outperformed by the average middle-schooler, so obviously we're going to have to elect him Jesus in 2012.

He's not great - granted, he looks amazing compared to the shitbags surrounding him, but he's still a partisan twit riding on emotional issues with little understanding of real economics (and if you've *ever* bought the 'multiplier effect' argument, you're with him) and populism. Great PR job, but I just see another Nixon.

I really want people to stop going back and forth over left versus right Bs. All the more well known doucheba... Politicians work for the same money grubbers. In the last 30 years have any of these guys done anything for your average American? No. Companies and corporations get the benefits while us, the people are left with nothing just pointlessly argueing and finger pointing who is to blame while all the crooks in the market and bankers get rich and laugh at us all. I for one (and many others!) don't buy any of this shit anymore. Obama couldn't do shit for us even if he truely wanted to, which he doesn't. He's here to keep our spirits high while our country further spirals down the shitter.
I really want people to stop going back and forth over left versus right Bs. All the more well known doucheba... Politicians work for the same money grubbers. In the last 30 years have any of these guys done anything for your average American? No. Companies and corporations get the benefits while us, the people are left with nothing just pointlessly argueing and finger pointing who is to blame while all the crooks in the market and bankers get rich and laugh at us all. I for one (and many others!) don't buy any of this shit anymore. Obama couldn't do shit for us even if he truely wanted to, which he doesn't. He's here to keep our spirits high while our country further spirals down the shitter.

Or in other words We're dooooooooooommmmeeeddd NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCKKKKKKK etc...


couldn't hold this one back...HAHAHAHA! :D

yeah, we're doomed, fucked, raped, etc.

If we honestly stood up for ourselves, as a whole and rejected our FAILURE of a gov't and stopped supporting them and letting them drag this charade on, they'd eventually would have to give in to what we need/want. equality, GOOD food (not this McRonalds, booger king etc), good health care (which there is no fucking reason we have to pay so much for such poor quality health care), actual peace. i know many people disagree, but war is horrid. there is no reason for war other than to expand empires and force onto others your/our own system of weights and measures ("they" think we are evil, "we" think "they" are evil.) but of course, we can never agree on anything!!! so that why it's gunna take something fucking catastrophic event before we ever throw the petty bullshit out the door and humanity could live in peace. just wonder what its going to take.

ok, my ranting is over. rofl.

yeah, we're doomed, fucked, raped, etc.

If we honestly stood up for ourselves, as a whole and rejected our FAILURE of a gov't and stopped supporting them and letting them drag this charade on, they'd eventually would have to give in to what we need/want. equality, GOOD food (not this McRonalds, booger king etc), good health care (which there is no fucking reason we have to pay so much for such poor quality health care), actual peace. i know many people disagree, but war is horrid. there is no reason for war other than to expand empires and force onto others your/our own system of weights and measures ("they" think we are evil, "we" think "they" are evil.) but of course, we can never agree on anything!!! so that why it's gunna take something fucking catastrophic event before we ever throw the petty bullshit out the door and humanity could live in peace. just wonder what its going to take.

ok, my ranting is over. rofl.

Leave Ronald out of this.

I don't think we're "doomed."
At least for now.