BATHORY - The Nordland Albums


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Each time we've talked about albums of 2003, I don't think anyone has mentioned Nordland II. I've been listening to it a lot recently, and I think it's very good indeed - quite easily a top ten contender for me with songs like "Blooded Shore" and "Vinland".

In fact, although the songs are from the same recording session, I actually prefer Nordland II to part I.
i like both nordland albums very much, though i have to be in a certain mood to appreciate them (that's the case with viking metal in general for me though :D). i think the problem that many people have with the nordland saga is that quorthon doesn't really play anything new - it's all the same old formula he has already used on his kVlt viking metal albums in the late eighties/early nineties. i for one could care less about that, songs like "foreverdark woods", "broken sword", "mother earth, father thunder", "vinland", "the land" or "the messenger" are just pure fucking viking metal goodness. as long as he succeeds in preserving the spirit i don't really care about originality.
I've borrowed Nordland I off a friend but haven't listened to it yet. I'm trying to sort out getting both albums burned sometime soon. I dunno if this'll be right up my street cos I'm not too big on Hammerheart and Twilight Of The Gods but I'm game to give it a try :)
I was listening to Hammerheart over the weekend, and personally, I think it is better than Blood Fire Death, making it now my favorite Bathory album.

It is teh epik.