I don't see what's so ridiculous. You have all 3 albums rated 4.5 stars on RYM. That doesn't seem like the kind of match that would be so obviously one-sided to you.
I like None Shall Defy a lot but Voivod have a discography I more or less worship, I can't even begin to say the same about Infernal Majesty. We aren't comparing specific albums here right? It's about bands and Voivod is an infinitely better band, even if I did agree to something as stupid as Voivod's first two albums combined being inferior to None Shall Defy.
I'm only counting the first three Voivod albums for the purpose of this competition since this is about thrash metal bands, but fair enough.
Are you a big fan of the rest of Infernal Majesty's stuff? I like their sophomore but it was also a pretty noticeable drop in quality. I really need to get around to going through their demos though.
:lol: I like how the same argument is going on in the previous round.

I have no problem saying I prefer Infernal Majesty simply because I prefer None Shall Defy to Voivod's first three albums. Not combined, individually, and honestly not by much.
None Shall Defy isnt even that good and has become the kvlt crowds new "cool to like" album in the last 10 or so years. And most of the same guys in that crowd used to shit on thrash back then. Basically a namedrop album for most of the cool kids who probably dont even like thrash but have jumped on the bandwagon since it's not cool to hate on the subgenre anymore i guess.

btw this IS the previous round
Are you a big fan of the rest of Infernal Majesty's stuff? I like their sophomore but it was also a pretty noticeable drop in quality. I really need to get around to going through their demos though.

Their 1988 demo has two near-perfect songs. If they managed a full album on par with that demo it'd go head-to-head with Killing Technology. I do like their second album a lot as well, but it's kind of strong 6/10-weak 7/10 material, a couple great songs, a bunch of solid ones, and one or two meh groove metal songs. Even their third album, while inconsistent and a bit weird in terms of production and cohesion, is worth the occasional listen for me.
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so i take it this is the only place where you talk metal with people? Why am i not surprised. You dont talk to people IRL who listen to metal? No friends who are into the genre? You dont go to record stores? No other forums? You dont read reviews? etc.
I'm very unlikely to be as social as you, but in the half-dozen-odd conversations I've had with guys before/after shows, I've never witnessed the in-crowd phenomenon at all. People in real life tend to not be like "Psssshhh Exodus, I only listen to REAL TRUE THRASH like Infernal Majesty or Protector". Instead they're pretty laid back people that might gush over their favorite bands, recommend some stuff, talk about some upcoming show, etc. The kind of defective personality traits that pop up on internet forums regularly aren't that common, just like how 25%-ish of forum users are INTJs while like 1% of real-life people are.

None Shall Defy does have a strong following, of course, but your "in the last 10 years" makes it sound like you're the lead pollster behind Gallup's Metal Tastes(tm) division. If you're saying that in real life, you've met a single "shits-on-thrash kvlt crowd person" that suddenly began liking None Shall Defy in the last ten years, I'm calling bullshit. None Shall Defy already had five glowing reviews on the Metal-Archives, btw and as someone that used to post regularly on the Canuck BraveBoard, I can tell you it was popular there too already. That being said, there is an in-crowd bias towards it, and I put Infernal Majesty on the second tier of my in-crowd list back in 2012, but that was exclusively a U-M phenomenon.
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People in real life tend to not be like "Psssshhh Exodus, I only listen to REAL TRUE THRASH like Infernal Majesty or Protector". I
I'm sorry but i'm the one who's going to call bullshit here. REAL LIFE awaits. I know PLEEEENNNTY of people who think the exact same thing and will voice their opinions on bands like anthrax and exodus.

And yeah lets not pretend that about 10+ years ago( ... and yes, life outside of this forum exists and unlike many of you i didn't fucking start listening to metal when i joined this place) thrash wasnt the cool to hate genre. And then all of a sudden all these clowns jumped on the bandwagon and started namedropping albums ... NSD being one of the most commonly used ones. Sure let me just point out facts and you can just continue to argue against reality in your own little warped mind. Btw im pretty sure you yourself had never heard of the band until later when the fad that im talking about popped up. Am i correct? yes i probably am. So technically you're also one of the plebs who probably didnt even know the band existed but now have them ranked among the greatest thrash bands ever :lol: do you need help looking for your spine?