
Nov 2, 2007
Canada EH
i have red hair and the only thing i like about it is the fact that i can grow big red beards
like this guys:
I quite like the Muskateer look, so I'm only rocking the pencil mustachio and goatee.
Ah yes, good ole Stellan Skarsgård. Great under rated actor. For that kinda beard your 'stache has too be longer than your chin hair but meet at the same length on the bottom. Helps with the braids and junk. Reminds me of Marco from Nightwish.

My profile pic was taken a while ago and I've shaved and regrown me beard, so it's a tad fuller and longer than what you see there. I usually trim it back to a chinstrap kinda dealy but I might try something different.

If I ever get into Gaelic war re-enacting I'll probably dye everything red and not shave for a good few...years....
I'm 26 and got almost no beard - my chin looks likes a 12 year old's vagina and when i grow a mustache i look like a damn cuban. Its probably my biggest frustation :Smug:
haha mine grows only on my chin no where else it makes for a great goatee but kinda bugs me i cant grow it anywhere does make trimming my goat easy though.
I like beards, but if I grow much more than a 1/4 - 3/8", it just bugs the hell out of me. I keep mine trimmed short, and I actually have something of a signature style beard. At least that is what all my friends call it. I have seriously been asked if I was in a satanic cult just because of it. What the fuck is that all about?

I wasn't aware you kept goats. Are they usually hard to trim? :lol:

Yeah the bleating is kinda annoying but they are good companions makes my neck hurt too carying the thing around on my chin all day.
Heres a pic of the last time i shaved.

Beards are just really fun, I don't know how else to put it. I'm gonna stick with it until it's just so ridiculous that I get tired of it!

PS, check out, it's a pretty funny site, although it's entirely serious (which makes it even funnier).