

Dec 5, 2005
Gbg sweden
a swedish prog band called beardfish blew me away a week ago when i heard them at a was one of the best live shows i have ever seen. clear influences from Yes, Camel, Gentle Giant, jethro tull, focus, frank zappa, King Crimson and Pain Of Salvation can be found, yet they sound very special. i bought their new release "the sane day" a double cd concept, great producing and i love it... if you have not heard them, i urge you to check them out. just want to seem special by picking out a band from our time, i can not understand what you mean by PoS being shit. there can be found pain of salvation influences wich happens to be one of my favourite bands so i added it in... if you don´t have an ear for good music it´s not my problem, just stay the fuck out of a thread with a retard comment like that.
lmao I swear to god this place is exactly like having a snotty 13 year old child who insists he knows everything

biggsy's the slightly older teenager who's discovered sarcasm and uses it at every turn but still is completely naive
Pretty good. It reminds me of The Tangent but not as good. I need to listen some more. Thanx for the recommendation, I do like the opposite of what the above me mentioned.
Spectacular Views said:
modern prog rock in the vein of old prog rock is pretty much universally irrelevant

they sound nothing like PoS overall, besides most of PoS influences are from the 70´s, they´re just a newer band. beardfish sound overall more like the other bands i mentioned.
illidurit said:
lmao I swear to god this place is exactly like having a snotty 13 year old child who insists he knows everything

biggsy's the slightly older teenager who's discovered sarcasm and uses it at every turn but still is completely naive

o´rly? actually i´m just tired of people like you wrecking all the threads in this forum.
actually they dont ruin the threads. replys to their comments do. They could have the potential to, it wouldnt ruin the thread if it just went ignored. But conflicting opinions is pretty much what the forums about, except for the slagging off parts.
i don´t agree, i cannot ignore someone bashing a band i like unconstructively. and i just don´t get what they could possibly get from never posting anything that would actually make an intresting conversation, why waste their time?... it would also be nice for this to stay ontopic.
affinityband said:
Probably same way they cant ignore someone listing a band they dont like. imho.

At least they can show some respect and either write some constructive critic or don't write anything at all. This forum lacks of respect for other people.
Deadlift said:
At least they can show some respect and either write some constructive critic or don't write anything at all. This forum lacks of respect for other people.

So true....

Pain of Salvation are awsome...

Thanks for the recomendation HaloPhenomenon....