Because I love you guys... (Melodic Deathcore - GH Reamp, Plec Master)


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey folks,

Today I've got for you another track in glorious 320kbps, MP3 quality from the best sounding production I've done.

This number is a fairly energetic track with a hell of a chorus. The band are Untruth and you can find more about them (including the CD itself) here:

The track I'd like to show you is here: - Force Fed.mp3

So if you dig it, please support a local Sneapite's GASsing habits and pay his clients some money for the CD! Also, please don't tell them I'm giving out free promo :saint:

As an added bonus, here is the one of the original tracks I had you guys picking apart as the mix was being done: - Drones.mp3

Given your age and your relative lack of equipment compared to big studios, the fact you can deliver such amazing results is just mind boggling. You rarely fail to impress (well, I actually haven't a mix of yours that didn't impress me thus so far that you've posted since I've been at this board) and again, this delivers the goods. Musically I wasn't a huge fan of it so I'm not quite sure I can pay for the CD though, but I'll give it a chance to grow on me since it's got an amazing mix behind it all.
nice work! although i cant stand the music:)
but sonically ->> cool stuff !

did you master this ? what did your mastering chain look like?
the music is so metalcore it hurts but the mix is really great. A bit more air on that snare and maybe a tad less click to the kick might have worked but kudos to you nonetheless :kickass:
did you master this ? what did your mastering chain look like?
It has been mastered by Plec (Panic-Room Mastering).

On this subject, I remember a discussion about the low end balance of the bass on a previous thread... I'm curious to know if Plec has decided to change something on that regard or has tried to keep everything like the original mix...