Because I love you guys... (Melodic Deathcore - GH Reamp, Plec Master)

Sounds absolutely fantastic. The only think I would even possibly think of changing is a hair more kick drum. Great seperation between instruments and balance.
where do buy cd?

seriously though this sounds fucking fantastic and the music is amazing too. I went on the myspace and didnt see a link or anything to buy the album.
Hey guys,

Just quickly, to get the CD, you unfortunately have to contact the band directly via Myspace, and they will tend to your order. They've been experimenting with paypal and automated systems but I don't think it's been working out for them so far.

Thanks a heap for the feedback. Its another fantastic 39 degree (celsius) day here in Melbourne, so in order to facilitate forgetting that I'm alive I'll answer case-by-case:

@Burny & Jevil: Thanks a heap guys \m/

@Goddamn Guitar: I'm hoping in the not too distant future we'll be hearing some of your work on these. I can't wait for these current rock projects to get off the ground mix-wise. Might build a shrine to CLA, and pray to be considered worthy.

@jhrv: Thanks. I agree for the most part. It's kind of hard showcasing anything else, because only the stuff I've done in the last 6 months or so is when I've 'come into my own', so to speak. Still a very long way to go of course, but it's nice to make some measured progress all the same.

@Nebulous: Doooo it. The guys seem to have an aversion to people buying their product easily, so get onto them on Myspace. Gareth's copy is already on the way.

@Harry: You're too kind, man. These days though that seems to be the most intelligent model to work with. Larger studios aren't going to be self sustaining for too much longer. I think Joey knows this too, hence why he's competing with the majors from his living room. As far as the music goes, that's totally fine. I think it grew on me as I was working at it. If you want to hear some more material check out their myspace. I also just heard their rhythm guitarist left, and he was primarily the guy keeping it all KsE-like. I have a feeling subsequent releases will get quite heavier.

@anestic: haaaa, I can't work out whether you're being serious or....? Great job parodying the process of the average forum newcomer though! :lol:. And thanks, if I can get the band any more support, it's worth it.

@LeSedna: Thanks man. The Orpheus CD was a very budget-limited thing. It was more a 'mix it as fast as you can to get it out there' job. This was something entirely different (ie. actually had money behind it). We're doing a new video single for Orpheus soon though, which should be a little better. This will be followed by a full length, hopefully around the middle of next year. Got the guys lubing up for it already.

@Mago: Cheers!

@Gareth: Hope you dig it. I know there are just enough drone/ambient sections to get your attention, but not enough to keep it I'm afraid :D

@XnaySaturo: Thanks and hey, whatever does it for you. Personally I always like hearing it all kick in on 'Drones' for the first time, after the synth (minus the clipping). Cymbal pings work too!

@jpchen: Cheers!

@dcb: Sweet, cheers. As mentioned it was mastered by Plec at Panic Room Mastering. For projects that have a budget and want things done right I seldom ever master things myself. IMO that's a pretty good way to over-homogenizing your sound. The real trick is finding the one ME out there that will actually IMPROVE your work. With Plec I've found this, and I'm very happy!

@Rockchops: I think Guitarhack is best off to answer this one. Though from memory his chain was Maxon OD820 > Peavey 6505 > Mesa Oversize Cabinet > SM57 > API A2D. So nothing revolutionary - all tried and true for this kind of music!

@Icony: Thanks!

@AEL: Yeah there are a few different ways it could go I guess. I sometimes hear the kick and still have doubts. It's the Slate thing, really I haven't found a way to properly associate his kicks with the metal genre. Honestly, I'm not sure it's even possible. I'll try some other things in subsequent projects and hopefully find *that* elusive sound.

@Sickan & vespiz: Cheers!

@Wild Hades: The master was actually a fairly significant departure from the mix, as far as masters generally go. The final mix was more about the STD kind of sound, where there is largely sub bass presence. I sent the Bass guitar on a separate stem to the mix so Plec could do what he wanted. The end result sounded to me inherently more unified and 'conformed' to commercial standards. It's a different take on it, but overall I definitely think he improved it. It's that second perspective which can really help at times.

@analgrinder: With that name dude, I'm sure it isn't! :D

@lolzgreg: Cheers. The funny thing is that the kick has arguably 'too much' high-end presence, but not enough low. It's one of the things I always struggle with in a mix, since everything is relative. By the time I've buried the kick, cuts in the guitars come to unearth it again, by the time I have it punching, the bass guitar has it clouded... The mix always seems to be a constant back and forth.

@rchoi: There is certainly clipping there.

@roflsaurusrex: Hey man. Just contact the band via the messaging system on Myspace. They're great guys and will sort you out. As mentioned above, they don't have an automated system in place yet.

@Dandelium: Yeah the drums and bass were originally crafted on my ASP8s, and for the entire 2 hours or so I was intently referencing back and forth with STD. After the guitars got in I spent more time referencing 'End of Heartache' and 'The Way of All Flesh'.

Okay, well once again thanks guys. I got my typing work-out for the morning! Please show support to these guys, and if you can tell people you know about them or their product, we'd all be very grateful. It's so hard to 'break' anyone here in Oz, and they need all the support that can be given.
Ermz, man, its one of the cleanest and even mixes I've heard in while man. Cheers.

PS. do you have a preset for the final great sounding? lolol (joke)
@analgrinder: With that name dude, I'm sure it isn't! :D

Hahaha!!!! Not a complain, I have same react with Daniel Bergstrand mix. Great job but too Swedish (in a good way) for me. My number one fav metal mixer are Wieslawski bro. Just an other vibe...

But for back to the subject: your job totally merit to be kwow worldwide;)
The drums sound a little bit buried to me. I think the drums should have come up a little bit and the vocals down a little bit, and then everything would have been more balanced... but overall it sounds good and is definitely something to be proud of.

The music is alright, but I don't think I'd buy it. Too plain jane metalcore to hold my attention... Sweet guitar tone from guitarhack though. The guitar tone is my favorite part.
Cheers guys.

analgrinder: Well that's the idea for someday man, hopefully..... hopefully.

Josh: Thanks for the feedback. I always thought if anything the drums were a bit too loud, but to each their own eh! Agreed the vocals are probably a bit too far forward. I think I got carried away because they were the only thing tracked with a mega, super high quality chain. Well, that's incorrect, the bass and guitars were done via high quality DI, but the performances and instruments weren't quite as good. As far as that guitar tone goes, yeah GH really bailed my ass out on that one. I do have to say there's a fair bit of processing going on the raw tone though, as seems typical of my work.

roy: Thanks dude. I really wanted it filthy, and with how hard the bassist played it was easy. There is SO MUCH fret noise in the DIs, it's beautiful.