Radio/Industrial Rock Mix (Goddamn Guitars, Plec Master)


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

Here's one from an EP I produced/mixed at the start of the year. I'm working again with this artist, so I've been listening to this 'old' stuff to get myself back into the right frame of mind again.

Ola played guitars for us here. I reamped into a Dual Rec running into a Harley Benton 2x12. Plec mastered the whole thing! - Demons And Friends.mp3

First time I worked with someone from the US. His industrial/rock influences from the 90s era are very much alike to my own, so it was really fun stuff to work on.
this is fucking awesome! nice mix and cool song as well. reminds me of filter sort of (because that's the only industrial rock band I've really listened to haha). Anyway, great work, guitars sound meaty.
Sounds fookin' awesome! Superior for the drums (cymbals sound like DFH)? The vocals sound GREAT! It has kind of a loose feel that I really dig! What was vox chain? does have kind of a Filter kind of vibe to it, which I think is a good thing!
Hey Ola, if by original guitars you mean the ones that the former guitarist did, then I don't have those. They got wiped shortly after you did your takes.

@Cyanide: No SD2.0 on this one actually. The drums are real, and augmented with some samples I blended up at the time (whatever they might have been). Vox chain for tracking I believe was SM7B > Safesound P1 > RME Fireface. In the mix I have absolutely no idea. At the time I had virtually no outboard, so they were all plug-ins. Likely the Waves SSL channel, combined with whatever else may have worked. I didn't do a lot of compression on vox back then, so likely nothing extravagant. Didn't own the CLA bundle either, so no 1176 style stuff.

Thanks for listening! I hope to get the new slew of tracks a bit larger sounding, with more fidelity.
great stuff, ermz!
thsi wall of guitars is massive. although they seem a little sloppy from time to tiem for my ear.
yeah that's me. I'm not used to record 4 tracks of rhythm. I'm a two track guy. At least I can blaim the bass player just a bit :D

haha, man, its not even close to anything i have to track from time to time , so its still top notch , hehe ! ;-) the average listener would even notice i guess.

im also not really good at quadtracking, i mean i like the sound of powerchord walls, haha, but fast precise riffing, i never really get it to sound right.
and imho it somehow washes away any personality in my playing (im a vibrato guy) :)

still :worship: for the whole project from my side!
I've just spent 8 hours editing the shit out of one of the newer tracks. Trust me, there won't be anymore 'I think I hear something sloppy'. It's all 100% sterile and lifeless - it would make CLA proud.
Haha, it's okay, don't worry. There are 3 new tracks, and only one of them is edited to death. Literally it sounds like he wrote it specifically for the radio. It's like a hit that Linkin Park would've made around '01.

The other two tracks are going to be pretty much as is (with a bit of tuning and slipping here and there for the really bad notes). One is a piano/strings ballad, and the other is basically a straight rock track (kinda like the 3 that we already did).

It's gonna be a good CD when Jeremy releases it. You can check out the band here:

This is one of the few products that I can listen to as a fan, even though I've worked on it. I like music like this!