Beer, Slayer & Bus -- The August Adventure Thread

amazing ... I think I turned into the biggest softie when I saw those pics and let out the biggest Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww in history :)

both of you look so happy ....
Conspicuously Absent said:

hahaha ... I totally missed this part! :kickass:

Rooting for the two of you!

Hey Andy, aren't you like 6'4" or something? If so, Maren is really tall ... or is she standing on a milk crate? :loco:
I was but life got in the way ... other daily crap ... Nad backed out too.
Oddly enough I am going up to Canada next month ... driving up to Toronto and possibly even Montreal.

Really, after the pics above of these 2 ... I'd rather leave them alone :loco: ... looks like some fairytale, blissful month is about to happen.
I'm 6'2, she's 5'5, little under my chin. I'm just kinda shrunk down to hug her a bit.

Yes, an entire month here and 6 weeks in berlin for me after it :D

And I'm glad you're happy for us, we've got a little thank you present in mind for you :)

We're going for a walk today, probably be some more pictures :p
this brings up an interesting subject? do long distance relationships work? ... and if so, how do you make them work?
Yeah I dunno how long distance relationships can possibly work unless it's a real temporary thing like "I'll join you in Antarctica come next spring." I've never had one.

So provided things do pan out for the best, should we start a pool as to which one of ya'll will move across the globe? :loco: