
Sanitation is unbelievably crucial. Most decent kits should come with a cleaning agent that you can mix w/ hot water and scrub them down. I believe the most important things to keep clean are a) the vats/barrels/tubs you cook, store, ferment, etc. in, and b) the actual bottles you spigot your beer into.
I brewed yesterday. Mmmm, Red Ale. Hope it comes out, first all grain batch.

Sanitation is key. All of your plastic and glass can be cleaned using bleach and water. (remember to never mix cleaning chemicals.) The metal stuff can be cleaned using iodine solutions. Also remeber that any bacteria gets killed in temeratures over 170 F. So as long as the boiling pot is cleaned, the boiling liquid will keep it sanitary. Once the temperature of stuff drops below the 1700F, sanitation is key. That's why you have the airlock. CO2 can get out, bad stuff can't get in.
The fermentation went really quick on this batch. And none of the bubbles made it up to the blow off hose.
When I took off the blow off hose and put on the airlock, I think I might have got some Oxygen in there.:(
I hope this batch works out better than that Beer Machine...
Originally posted by ThraxDude
When I took off the blow off hose and put on the airlock, I think I might have got some Oxygen in there.:(
I hope this batch works out better than that Beer Machine...

I wouldn't worry about it. There is a layer of CO2 over it. Plus the oxygen won't mix with the beer unless you stir the beer up.

Sounds good all around. Good luck.
I bottled my first batch yesterday!!
2 weeks until I sample it!
I think I'll get supplies for batch #2 today.

Did you know they have college courses for brewing beer? That's fuckin sweet.
I will be bottling tomorrow. I just got a tap for 5 liter mini kegs and will be mini-kegging tomorrow for the very first time. I also just got a turkey fryer for outdoor beer brewing, so next batch (July) will be done outside.
Originally posted by Fat Drunk and Stupid
I will be bottling tomorrow. I just got a tap for 5 liter mini kegs and will be mini-kegging tomorrow for the very first time. I also just got a turkey fryer for outdoor beer brewing, so next batch (July) will be done outside.

Good luck with the mini-keg. That's fucking rad. I love brewing beer.
I brewed a Hefe-Weizen yesterday. It is now fermenting and it looks so beautiful.
:cry: *tears of joy run down my face
I finally got to try my first batch today.
It is good.
Sorry bRaT, I didn't wet myself. It isn't that good, but it is good.

Thanks agian to yous guys (especially Fat Drunk and Stupid) for your help and advice.


I'll let you know how the Weizen turns out, because I'm sure you're all losing sleep over it.:rolleyes: