Believe in God?


Aug 31, 2003
Do you believe in God? I'm just curious, and I won't look down on anyone either way.

As for me? I believe in something superior.

That something superior I guess I can call god.
Dude, you can't word it like that, you have to say "Do you believe in the Christian God?" Or you're going to get less than happy comments.

And no, I'm a rabid atheist, and I howl with laughter when a church near me burns (No, I didn't burn them.... yet.)
I used to believe. Now I know that life is a string of chaotic, unconnected, and random events. There is nothing and no one out there that looks after us. People are born, struggle through a painful and worthless life in an incredibly brief amount of time, and then die. Unless you are an absolutely rare statistical fluke, within a few generations no one will remember you and no one will care.
Yeah, he was posted, then barbequed and made into a sandwich. He needed more Red Devil sauce.
NoLordy Capone said:
Yeah, he was posted, then barbequed and made into a sandwich. He needed more Red Devil sauce.

Good lord, I sure could go for a nice pork BBQ sandwich and a nice pitcher or two of cold beer.
I was once a Catholic but i didnt buy that noise anymore...i believe more in natural spirits that help control nature....or something like that...i like Catholic churches and stuff because they are spooky...I guess you gotta be intimidated to feel like youre in the house of the lord...o_O