Believe in God?

I was a Christian at one point, and my desire to KNOW led me away from such frivolous beliefs and customs, and taught me the only thing worse then a devout christian is one who thinks he knows what he is saying.
NoLordy Capone said:
I was a Christian at one point, and my desire to KNOW led me away from such frivolous beliefs and customs, and taught me the only thing worse then a devout christian is one who thinks he knows what he is saying.

Same here. Years ago (and I mean years ago, I'm almost ashamed to admit this) I went to church upon my own ambition, and that experience turned me against it... it made no sense. Just like anyone, I was searching for awnsers. It took me that to see how completely useless and irrational that that belief was.

"The awnser cannot be found
In the writing of others
or in the words of a trained mind"

-Chuck Schuldiner
"Empty Words"

The fact is, God is dead, reason killed him, even if he was only a fictious being in our heads. Reason overcomes belief. Thus, God is mind control. I don't care if he really exists or not, the fact is that I despise organized religion and the closed mindedness that it brings about. Therefore, by being bound by laws of some scripture that was written thousands of years ago, you are enslaved to that mindset. When you believe something so deeply, it is hard to let go, even when clear evidence is placed in front of you. It is a form of mental slavery that you are locked in unknown to yourself.

That is why I hate God.

(To my colleagues and peers: I am sorry I made that so long. But I needed so say that.)
*Claps* Sir, that was no longer than it should have been. Perhaps someday they will understand what you and I mean.
You talk about people being closed minded, yet you stereotype people who believe in a God and organization as being bound by it and blind to some hidden truth that you now see. Big ego trip there bud. Fact is, its impossible to say, everything is relative. You ever think there are people who willingly and knowingly submit themselves to following a belief or idea because it benefits them?

Look, life is shit, and I know that there are a lot of people out there who become christians because it brings a set of rules to their life and gives them something to believe in or strive for because they hope it will improve their life. Is it right? Is it wrong? It doesnt matter at all what I think. The problem is when people start forcing their beliefs onto you. Christian, Satanist, Hindu, it does not matter. People have a right to believe in whatever they want, and I have no right to tell them otherwise. They also have a limited right to voice those beliefs and ideas, but they cannot force their ideals onto me or make me conform to their perception. I know a LOT of christians are like this because most of them I have personally met are into org religion for the wrong reason, but, believe it or not I have met christians (and many other religious groups) that are cool about it and are open minded.
"Faith, my dear friend, can be splendid indeed
A force to hold on when the feeble soul bleeds
Religion served to the masses
Might be a dangerous seed
Forced down your throat
The last thing a free man needs"

That was said by Gunther Theys, and yes, I see the benefits involved, BUT... my experiences with the christ kind say that I should avoid the majority of them, and I only respect two:

Mr. Rogers, (RIP dude), and the mother of a friend of mine, whom is respectful of my beliefs.

The fact that you found some Jesuslickers that truly think and respect is very good, but I'm not likely to relent on their religion until it is beaten back to the same level as every other one available for use.

Hell, you're not the asshole I thought you were.

"Shit boy, I like you, why don't you come over and fuck my sister?"
--Sgt. Hartman, Full Metal Jacket
NoLordy Capone said:
I was a Christian at one point, and my desire to KNOW led me away from such frivolous beliefs and customs, and taught me the only thing worse then a devout christian is one who thinks he knows what he is saying.

Congrats on shedding your blinders. I'll see you in hell.
Really? Kick ass, you bring the beer, and I got the pretzels, yeah?

Who wants to go to heaven anyway, it's all old people and quakers, it has to smell like a convalescent hospital up there...

Oh wait, I'm fucking satan, what do I care?
I think he meant to say that is satan, and not "im sodomizing satan" although, if he was sodomizing satan, it would suggest that he is a higher power than satan.
(same old story again, you cannot imagine how often I've seen such a thread in a forum...)

anyhow, I do not believe, some of the things in christianity are nice, but people fuck it up mostly...

I am unable to see or to feel a higher power, so I don't believe in something.

p.s.: please, don't ask me about my sign, I mean it ironically, I believe, that people cannot live without a god, wether he exists or not...
Lol, Im not an asshole, just worthless. I was acting like one earlier though lol.

You know, religion is enough to fucking make your head hurt. I am so tired of people pushing their shit onto me because they think its the right thing to do. Its cool though, some people just need to believe in something I guess, could be a whole lot worse. And honestly, if they find that org religion fills some empty part of their life, fuckin awesome, more power to them. But, bottom line, to me anyways lol, is that there is no God, no Satan, nothing but little humans and their meaningless life.

I hear you on the chistians man, they are few and fucking far between. Mr. Rogers, LOL if Im flippin through the channels and happen upon a re-run I will usually watch it lol, its fucking mellow, with the light jazz and quite talking haha.