Believe in God?

I'm not dear? :cry:

Bereavement for Merriment

Dear today
I depart thee in sorrow
For I fear
What I may do
To the child born hollow
‘Tis my fault
That thee were in lust
But the rage still remains
And I must leave
In the wind like dust
Do not fear
My death shall bring mirth
And you shall be able to lie
In bed with just a sigh
And embrace love’s rebirth
Now I put
My weary soul to rest
With just a simple
Noose ‘round my neck
Thus ending my quest
Alas! I am gone
All of the wrath disappears
And you
My fairy and child
Shall shed no more tears. earth's smoldered embers? :grin:

Earth’s Smoldered Embers

O heavenly sky
Crystalline diamonds you cry,
And when they hit the light just right
They crack…

O serene lake
Languid waves you quake,
And when they pour onto the shore
They foam…

O salubrious ground
Alluring flowers you found,
And when they pray to the sun’s rays
They bloom…

Now all of these three
Can clearly see
Man’s rancor…

And when the rainbow,
A bridge o’er the lake below,
Formed from the colors of the ground’s flowers
Reflected off of the sky’s diamond showers,
Is clutched by man’s touch
It fades…
Satanist Bible = Christian Bible backwards. Pretty fucking lame, the sorry fuck faced shitheads cant even fucking invent their own fucking shit.

Satan worshippers make me laugh though, VERY easy to manipulate and control.
Quote: Originally Posted by retarded penguin
Doesn't it suck believing in something that doesn't exist?

Clearly the retarded part of your name proves true. If i believe, then i clearly think he exsists, which would mean i wouldn't know what it's like to believe in something that doesn't exsist. Therefore i wouldn't know if it sucks. Idiot

Guess you can say I'm agnostic. I think theres something, but I don't bother myself with religion or anything of the like, 'cause I'm too busy living life.
I believe in God. The way I see it, there is some kind of higher power that made the universe. Every one believes in something. If you say there is no God, you believe that there is no God. Who knows, when you die one day, you may meet your maker. Most people hate such beliefs and religion, but I see my belief as a possitive thing. I don't go around killing people of other religions or forcing my beliefs on other people, the way I see it, If something is the truth the people that are really searching for it will find it. Believe what you want.
retarded penguin said:
Doesn't it suck believing in something that doesn't exist?
coin has two sides, soo... doesn't it suck to Believe that You Know for fact that Something Doesn't Exist? whereas you don't know it.
i didn't claim to know for fact, it's a matter of belief, and no, nolordy, i'm not here to stir up trouble. This thread was made to state what u believe. I did, and RP taunted me for it. I'm surely no die hard christian here to argue with everyone, i don't know what i believe sometimes, but i do know that something is out there. In any case, RP felt like causing trouble because he kept taunting me so i felt like replying was in order.
Tee said:
coin has two sides, soo... doesn't it suck to Believe that You Know for fact that Something Doesn't Exist? whereas you don't know it.

Actually, I *know* there is no higher power.
It's not a matter of 'belief'.

Also, what's with this taunting bullshit? I replied to you, then Worthless.
well then, my mistake, i thought u kept putting that up trying to get a response from me as to what i thought about your comment. I wasn't going to bother to respond, but i saw that u kept putting it up, so i figured u wanted a response. In any case what i said still holds true. If u know there's no god, and i know there's something out there, than clearly neither of u know anything and we more just strongly believe