Best Basest player in metal


frank boff


How about it readers - Who do you reckon is the best bassist in modern metal?

I'm torn between:


Steve 'Chopper' Harris


The bloke from Corn

I can't believe I didn't consider Craig Logan (formerly of Bros) in my original post. Logan can rock hard, but he also looks slick!!

Niiiiicccccccceee, niiiiiccccceeeee

I can't believe I didn't consider Craig Logan (formerly of Bros) in my original post. Logan can rock hard, but he also looks slick!!

Niiiiicccccccceee, niiiiiccccceeeee

Sorry guys, but it's either Billy Sheehan or John Myung (Dream Theater); no question!!

If you are talking heavy metal then yeah Nibbs kicks serious butt.... he'd get my vote anytime.
Of course Lemmy can't be counted as like the man said he is a God! Lemmy is Metal.


If I think of a good bass player, these are the onces who i can think of

1 Cliff Burton
2 Lemmy
3 Steve Harris
4 Nibbs Carter
5 Gene Simmons

Talking about poshumous credit, I'm amazed that no-one has mentionedthe late, great Randy Roads

Did you mean Randy Rhoads the guitar player?

Speaking of guitarist all you ever hear people talking about are the great's from the past and present like Randy Rhoades and Eddie Vanhalen sure there both good.

But come on folks what about the great guitarist right here in the band who's web site you post your comments on.... Let's hear it for PAUL and DOUG whom I think are two of the most under rated guitarist around

Sting? Craig Logan??
Are you mad!
Though not wanting to diss the above guys playing ability since when were the Police and Bros Heavy Metal?
And the best Bass Player in rock has to be that bloke frem Manowar!
OK Billy Sheehan is pretty good too!

You buffoon!!!!!!!!!!!

You clearly haven't heard the classic "Push" album by Bros. This album ranks as highly as "Master of Puppets", "Led Zep IV", "Number of the Beast" and "Destiny" as one of the all time great metal albums!!


This from a man having trouble spelling his own last name.
Its Bough by the way.
Anyway, enough of the petty bickering.

Billy Sheehan, Steve Harris, the bloke from Manowar (why can I remember his name?), Cliff Burton and you cannot discount Michael Anthony from Van Halen!


I didn't become a brothel creeping bondage freak by not knowing how to spell my own name bonny lad....

I would quit whilst you're ahead Frank - you'll give us TV folk a bad name. Any way, everyone knows 'The Time' was Bros' and Logan's watershed album; the base solo on 'Bite the hand' has to be seen to be believed!

Steve Harris gets my vote, but did everybody actually forget Geezer Butler of Black Sabbath? A very close second, in my humble opinion. Nibbs and Lemmy are right up there, too.

What about the geezer from Sabbath? He was quite good before the operation.