Best Bay Area Thrash Band of all time

Best Bay Area Thrash Band Of All Time?


    Votes: 49 31.6%

    Votes: 49 31.6%

    Votes: 20 12.9%

    Votes: 7 4.5%

    Votes: 6 3.9%

    Votes: 5 3.2%

    Votes: 4 2.6%

    Votes: 2 1.3%

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • Anyone Except METALLICA

    Votes: 7 4.5%

  • Total voters
Metallica easily. Their first 3 releases are almost untouchable. Let's not let their current state of homosexuality cloud the truth of their past. The only Exodus release that matches Metallica was Bonded by Blood. Testament, I think the closest they came was Practice what you preach, definitely a great album. As much as I like death angel, heathyen, and violence......not even close....LAAZ ROCKIT???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! glad no one voted for them.........
I'm glad to see that quite a few of the people who've voted at least have some sense in their brains. I.E. Metallica is still considered the greatest of the legendary Bay Area scene. Who gives a rat's ass what they did after "And Justice..." - their 1st 4 albums are landmarks. Period.
Metallica were good for their first 3 albums and then they started to suck. ...and Justice, has some good tunes but on the whole drags too much in it's overtechnicality. The Black Album is a piece of MTV shit, and I don't even need to mention the others. Although they weren't bay area, Megadeth kicked their arses.
Not knowing a lot of their stuff I'd probably say Testament are the best.
I really need to check out Exodus though...
Testament, Vio-Lence and Forbidden (Sadus too)

Are true BAY AREA Bands, and are technically more proficient than Metallicrap, who haven't been any good for more than a decade.
Really, you almost have to choose Metallica, but only cause their early material kicks so much ass. However, I would certainly give props to all the bands mentioned here especially Testament, Exodus, and Forbidden. All great bands!


For me, the choice came down to Testament vs. Forbidden - I went with Testament, only because Forbidden was never able to match the greatness of their debut. Can you imagine if each Forbidden release got progressively better instead of the other way around?!
IMO Metallica are included in "the bay area tharsh bands" because of their 3 first albums..... not because of Load and Re-load.....
That's why I voted them...... I also like Testallica.. ehmmm I mean Testament and Exodus very much:)