Best books on metal

Yeah that is also true, metal relies more on instrumentation usually than on vocals (indeed, vocals are often a percussive/other instrument in metal).

That's pretty much only true as far as extreme metal is concerned. You don't seriously think that Sabbath, Maiden, Priest, Dio, Saxon, etc. just had vocals thrown in there to help hold down the back beat, do you?
@SoundMaster: He/She's actually an attention seeker from all the while back its existence on this board has spanned.

Anyway, AC/DC are more hard rock than they are metal. Its the 'heaviness' that Authentic Metalhead talked about that makes them a little more metall'er' than just plain hard rock. Though if one actually considers Led Zeppelin heavy metal, then AC/DC should be too.
"Heavy Metal: A Cultural Sociology" by Deena Weinstein is well written. Although, it concentrates just on the big names in metal but it describes its themes well.

Yeah, that one came immediately to mind. The focus is still mainstream, but it discusses a number of the cultural and sociological principles in some depth.
If you truly consider AC/DC to be metal then the genre of hard-rock apparently just ceased to exist. Because if any band is a hallmark hard-rock band then it's AC/DC.

It is pretty easy to hear that AC/DC's sound is firmly rooted in rock 'n roll and heavy (blues) rock and that it has practically nothing in common with metal of any generation (not even metal of its own generation, i.e. Black Sabbath). They undoubtedly influenced the metal genre and the early metal bands, just like Led Zeppelin did, but that doesn't make them metal themselves. If some people did refer to them as metal back then, then that was probably because at the time metal was still not an established genre. Now that it is, they clearly aren't part of it and never were. And they never claimed to be either (infact they claim the exact opposite, Angus never liked people calling AC/DC a heavy metal band).
And they never claimed to be either (infact they claim the exact opposite, Angus never liked people calling AC/DC a heavy metal band).

Throughout much of the late 80s, Steve Harris made the same claims about Maiden in many interviews. I remember getting pissed off everytime I heard him claim "Maiden's not metal....we're heavy rock", etc. From the persepctive of a teen, this amounted to a "betrayal" of sorts in my eyes....

Geezer Butler has been known to make similar claims about Sabbath...using the term "heavy rock" as opposed to metal.
sorry but citing wikipedia as some kind of authority when anyone can edit it makes you look like a fucking idiot

Wikipedia isn't like a prostitute with whom anyone can have a shot at. A majority of the articles are well-written and factual, and this whole "omg any1 can edit wikipedia thatz fukin nuts it must suk!!11" rumor is quite untrue, for there are many that keep watch over it and maintain quality control. I'd say it's one of the best sources for general knowledge on the web. Not really a substitute for a research paper, but good when you just want to know things.
Throughout much of the late 80s, Steve Harris made the same claims about Maiden in many interviews. I remember getting pissed off everytime I heard him claim "Maiden's not metal....we're heavy rock", etc. From the persepctive of a teen, this amounted to a "betrayal" of sorts in my eyes....

Geezer Butler has been known to make similar claims about Sabbath...using the term "heavy rock" as opposed to metal.

Who said what in what interview whenever is irrelevant really (although I've seen several interviews with Geezer where he credits Sabbath with inventing metal via old horror films influencing their early tunes), what it comes down to is the music.

AC/DC's music is hard rock personified. There is nothing metal about any of their music, it is pure blues-based rock & roll.

Maiden & Sabbath on the other hand, are different. Listen to "Into the Void", Symptom of the Universe", and of course the song "Black Sabbath", and Maidens "Aces High", Number of the Beast" and so on. Sabbath's heavy chugging riffs and Maidens intricate guitar harmonies and galloped rhythms are undeniably metal, whereas AC/DC don't have those qualities in any of their music.
I would rather listen to aerosmith over ac/dc. scary thought

anti christ/devils children is pretty annoying imo.
Pretty much everything by Aerosmith up until the Pump album is awesome.
This may be a stretch, but does anyone else think that Steven Tyler's vocals were influential on extreme metal vocals? He did some pretty intense screaming back in the day.