Best books on metal

I don't assume I know you don't... Comparing War Pigs to Back in Black is like comparing Number of the Beast to Angel of Death ... both are metal just two different genre's of it much like AC/DC and Sabbath... you did not grow up in that era of the 70's to early 80's like i did... believe me AC/DC was/is considered metal in those days and there was no one disputing that back then... only young ones like you who grew up on extreme metal today would dispute that only because you did not grow up in that era and compare everything from the past to everything in the present... metal is more then just blast beats and fast riffing... AC/DC came out in or about 1973.. other then Sabbath I would say AC/DC were the heaviest band around that time IMO along with a couple of others... And yes they were heavy for that time just that heavier bands came out in later years like heavier bands come out nowadays then Slayer but does not make Slayer any less Metal because of it... AC/DC just did their songs in a Anthem style of Metal... so don't assume I do not know old school metal because I have lived it a lot longer and seen it develop before my eyes before you were even born... When your gods Metallica are no longer considered metal think about our convo in this thread because much like me with AC/DC you grew up in the era of Metallica (well so did I)... so my statement stands...
You're all over the place in saying that I grew up on extreme metal and then saying that Metallica are my "gods." In actuality I haven't listened to Metallica in years and am only using my current screenname for continuity with my AIM name which I've had for several years.

I don't care how heavy AC/DC was for the time. Being heavy does not equate to being metal. Neither does being fast or technical or having blast beats. AC/DC had rock structures and a rock attitude.
But, he got banned for making racial remarks to Black Metal Tyrone, the boards regular obnoxious my pals.

And I say my pals because he was a my pals, not a respectable African American., so flame me for racism if you want

You should also be banned.
I did not explain how I wanted deleting the post. Nothing new in music has happened for a good while so that gives me an idea that what is done in music has already primmed. I would not say everything in the world or new things can not be achived in a general sense. Nothing so far in the 00's is new or revolutionary like in each past generation musically.

given that you practically only listen to metal youre not familiar enough with a wide enough range of music to be able to make that claim

also the fact that you feel you can make that claim because nothing has happened in the 00s when 6 years is nothing compared to all of musical history is kind of laughable...these things dont just happen overnight
It's good to see other people on this forum have an understanding of history and the development of metal over time. I don't know if I would call Alice Cooper or Kiss totally metal bands however, as both have written more non-metal songs than songs that are metal.
You're all over the place in saying that I grew up on extreme metal and then saying that Metallica are my "gods." In actuality I haven't listened to Metallica in years and am only using my current screenname for continuity with my AIM name which I've had for several years.

I don't care how heavy AC/DC was for the time. Being heavy does not equate to being metal. Neither does being fast or technical or having blast beats. AC/DC had rock structures and a rock attitude.

Again you are not of that generation and compare everything to what you grew up on and what is modern. I don't even think you can define Metal yourself but if you think being Heavy does not equate in being Metal then you are sadly wrong (Hence the term "Heavy" Metal). Metal in it's infancy back in the 70's was about "Heavy" riffs and some bands were Heavier then others much like today's bands. Some are Heavier then others. Were Sabbath Heavier and more evil sounding then AC/DC? Yes they were. Were AC/DC Heavy and evil sounding as well? Yes they were (Listen to riffs for the songs Dirty Deeds, Hells Bells etc.). Did both bands incorporate satanic themes and headbanging (not that , that is important but it is what separated Metal from other music genre's at the time among other things)? Yup. And on and on. read below:

Wikipedia's definition of metal:

"Heavy metal is a genre of rock music that emerged as a defined musical style in the 1970s, having its roots in hard rock bands which, between 1969 and 1974,[1] mixed blues and rock to create a hybrid with a thick, heavy, guitar-and-drums-centered sound, characterised by the use of highly-amplified distortion. Out of heavy metal various subgenres later evolved, many of which are referred to simply as "metal". As a result, "heavy metal" now has two distinct meanings: either the genre and all of its subgenres, or the original heavy metal bands of the 1970s style sometimes dubbed "traditional metal", as exemplified by Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Blue Öyster Cult and Black Sabbath."
sorry but citing wikipedia as some kind of authority when anyone can edit it makes you look like a fucking idiot
Well that last part is true...

Kind of.

We usually just call it "metal."

The actual truth here is that narrative song structures outside of the normal pop/rock song structures make metal what it is; fucking AC goddamned DC are the most straightforward shit ever; they are not fucking metal.
imho its the usage of the guitar riff as primary melodic voice rather than as backing harmony to the vocal that defines metal moreso than narrative can have verse/chorus/verse metal

of course ac/dc have neither of these features so its a moot point
Yeah that is also true, metal relies more on instrumentation usually than on vocals (indeed, vocals are often a percussive/other instrument in metal).
sorry but citing wikipedia as some kind of authority when anyone can edit it makes you look like a fucking idiot

Well I didn't edit anything and you can look it up to see if i did... and I stand by my statement as AC/DC being metal... Metal doesn't have to have a structure per say and doesn't matter if a band does or doesn't in their music... Verse/Chorus/Verse or otherwise.... besides wikipedia is no more or less a authority then you or anyone else is... :rolleyes: :Smug: