Best Camel album?

Mirage rules! Breathless is OK, but definately my least favorite. However, I still need to get Stationary Traveller and Rajaz to complete my collection. A Nod a Wink, the newest, is one of my favorites, too. It sounds a lot like early Camel. I was impressed! Harbour of Tears is pretty good.
Spirit Of the Water is on Moonmadness, so get Moonmadness! ;) Mirage, the debut and Snow Goose are just as good. from the newer stuff, try Rajaz, but stay away from the latest one, A Nod And A Wink, as it contains massive amounts of cheese. ;)
Best albums are: The Snowgoose (even if this is a complete instrumental album), Nude (essential), Moonmadness (jazzrock influences). Also good are Harbour of tears, (lots of Irish influences), Rajaz (1999). Rajaz may apear to be a very dull album, but after a couple of listens you will like it a lot.
svenske kocken said:
I say Mirage. Followed by Camel and Moonmadness.

I agree with this man.

Camel - Camel: More traditional, jazz influenced rock.
Camel - Mirage: Longer, more Progessive tracks.
Camel - Snow Goose: Basically Mirage style with no vocals.
Camel - Moonmadness: The most progessive album.

This is a very simple explanation, and I suggest just getting these albums and enjoying them yourself. :D