Best growler and singer!


aka Ophidian
May 17, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
What is your favorite growler and singer? Just wanted to get the new forum going. :)

Mine are:

song: Warrel dane (of course!)

growl: Mikael Åkerfeldt ( mostly on ressurection through carnage... o_O fucking chainsaw!)
Seedawakener said:
song: Warrel dane (of course!)

growl: Mikael Åkerfeldt

same here. I was converted to a "death metal fan" I never liked the growling before, but I really got into the growling first with Opeth. And Warrel just fucking owns.
Singer: Warrel - he is above all metal voices I heard,
also Garm on Arcturus "la masqerade infernale" sings in very interesting way
Growl/screams: 1. Attilla Csihar (Mayhem/tormentor) really mad man
2. Mika Luttinen (impaled nazarene) -totally crazy
Both: Ihsahn from emperor/peccatum has a possibility of singing (clean-simmilar to opera vocals)and screaming
Well, I have to agree with Ms. A, Chuck as a growler. Reason I say that, I am not really into the RRRRRRRRRRRWWWWWWWWWWWAAR. But, Chuck just blows me away when he gets it going.

Clean, well WD of course, Chuck B. and I will date myself but Robert Plant, holy cow what passion...

BTW, Will gets a very stong vote as well. :headbang:
Glen Benton does have the cliche death vocals. Sounds great. I think for me the vocalist of Blood Red Throne really takes it. I don't even know his name but his growls suit the music perfectly.

Clean vocals... I think Mikey Akerfeldt has really improved his a heap over time. It would probably be a toss up between him and Warrel.