Best guitarist today?


Perfect Tantrum...
Jul 18, 2007
who do you think the best guitarist is?

I think its a toss-up between Jeff Loomis and Yngwie Malmsteem. (thanks dcat) i would also have to add Mike just for overall amzingness.
Andy McKee for acoustic.
^ Tis Malmsteen fyi. ;)

I disagree, it was Alex Lifeson for me for many years, very few mix it like OpethMike nowadays...

Obvious choice, I know.

Have a great dry week-end all. :)
Couldn't say who the best is. As far as favourites go though, I'd love to say Loomis, but I'm not a big fan of his solos. Malmsteen is brilliant, but listening to too much of him can become tedious after a while.

Jed Simon (SYL, Zimmer's Hole) has done some great work. Mikael, of course, is up near the top of the list for his progressions. Miika Tenkula/Sami Lopakka (Sentenced) have come out with some really detailed rhythm parts. But I guess my favourite is (and has been for 11 years now) Dave Murray. Sounds great on all of Maiden's albums, sounds better live, and is brilliant when playing lead, rhythm, harmonies or solos.
Loomis and Mike are definitely quite high on the top list.

another quite unknown one who is nothing less than amazing is Santiago Dobles from Aghora
impossible to truly say who is the best, Malmsteen is skilled but his music and playing is not the best. I would say the best were people like Page, Hendrix, Iommi, Eddie Van Halen, and Randy Rhoads... because not only were they masters of their instrument, they were innovators of rock and metal music.
if anything i would say either malmsteen or gilbert. I dunno if i should say Vai because everyone has their own opinion about him.

my pick for acoustic guitarist tho is andy mckee
So many favorites to choose from but I'm gonna say Chris Broderick. He is the most well-rounded and technical guitarist today.
Guthrie Govan is pretty fuckin good; one of the best I've heard in recent memory. There are so many classical and flamenco guitarists who are ridiculously good as well (John Williams, Paco de Lucia, etc.).
Guthrie Govan is pretty fuckin good

+1 - Guthrie is AMAZING - get his album "Erotic Cakes" NOW!!!

if not Guthrie, i'll pick someone a little more old-school - John McLaughlin (Mahavishnu Orchestra, Shakti, Miles Davis, Tony Williams Lifetime, Paco De Lucia, etc)

and finally, Pat Metheny....all around 5-star jazz guitarist.