Best In Flames album to buy 1st?

My very favourite is The Jester Race :) But I guess choosing a first album for you depends on what kind of music you're used to listen to... anywayz please don't start with Reroute to Remain :grin:
Sorry, but don't listen to anyone that says Clayman is for mainstream stuff and TJR isnt, clayman is no more mainstream than TJR.... personally i'd start with either Whoracle or Colony, those have the best and catchiest riffs.... the main riff of Jotun alone is enough to hook you instantly, and don't let others opinions of certain albums (colony, rtr, or whatever) affect your opinion of the album.
RTR is a good album.

Listen to Good Charlotte - The Young and Hopeless, then RTR, then somethign by Dashboard Confessional.

Then say RTR is bad.

i didn't listen to Good Charlotte or something..
no way!!!
i said:rtr isn't a good album when i compare it to the other in fla albums!!

of course Good Charlotte etc... are the worst bands of the world!!!
fuck the alternative i can say
Er, its completely up to everyone what to think Metalfreak, dont be too judging. In my opinion, Colony is a good album. But its still their second worst, (in my opinion still)