best kata song

Too hard to choose, but i remember the first time I heard "day", I couldnt believe how much of an effect it had on me. I cant really explain the effects it had in words, its almost like it changed my personality
Wanderer said:
This question had been asked 845636478 times and I've answered them all differently. This time I say "Murder".

Thread: Favorite Katatonia Song? March 6th, 2002, 09:20 PM:
Wanderer said:
Murder,Day,Quiet World

Thread: Istanbul gig. July 9th, 2004, 11:11 AM:
Wanderer said:
hmmm even though i have sent lots of e-mails about playing murder and they did not and mocking me by playing "sweet nurse"


Thread: Magic moments in BMD. March 18th, 2005, 07:12 PM:
Wanderer said:
(...) But the best part in BMD is the begining of Murder.You wait for the song to begin for about 15 secs.But you feel hours must passed.

Thread: Best song from Brave Murder Day. March 29th, 2005, 08:15 PM:
Wanderer said:

Thread: Best Old Era Song. April 4th, 2005, 08:38 PM:
Wanderer said:
"Murder" is the best song ever so that Best old era song is "murder" too.I hate you jinn.You don't know what music is but you still create polls.

For being a katatonia disciple i call for the jyhad!Hack this poll!

You liar. :err:
Definitely "Evidence", hands down. That song was so good it should have been played on pop-radio and had it's own buzz-clip on MTV. Does MTV still do buzz-clips? Whatever they do it's still gay... but Katatonia could give them like, indie-cred or something.

"Love Of The Swan" is definitely Katatonia's best song.

It just has something about it that, to me, no other song in existence does.
Though it seems to be the popular choise at the minute, I think I'll have to say Evidence. It was the song that got me really into Katatonia. Couldn't get that 'soaring' guitar line out of my head for weeks, and it hasn't become boring at all, even with numerous listenings. Though I think a question like this is too hard to answer, and maybe should instead be "Best song from each album."
I Am Nothing, or Help Me Disappear, or A Premonition, or Clean Today, or Evidence.

I really cant decide.
It's almost impossible for me to choose.
It's a toss up between Strained, For My Demons, A Darkness Coming, Omerta, Criminals, Evidence, Murder...

damn it. Too many good songs to choose from...
You'll hang me for this one, but I prefer "brave" to "murder". Simply the kind of song I'd like to listen while I kill myself...

New era; "sweet nurse" - I just can't get enough of it. Especially the part 'round 2min40sec
Every time makes me feel like crying. Leaves with such a helpless feeling, powerful and emotional. I love it!
I'd have to go with brave, just such a brutal song, love it, also really like criminals of the newer stuff