Best of 2009 that Was, Is, and Shall Be

Amorphis `skyforger
Candlemass `death magic doom
Lacuna Coil `shallow life, not as much as anything else from them but still enjoy it.
Novembers Doom `into night's reqiuem infernal.
These Are They `who manifest.
My Dying Bride `for lies i sire.
Ribspreader `opus ribcage.
Funebrarum `the sleep of morbid dreams.
Denial `catacombs of the grotesque.
Revolting `dreadful pleasures.

looking forward too

paradise lost
these are they(fullength)
Dammit, just moved into the new dorm and the options for getting music here are now pretty limited, but I wanna hear some of the new death metal stuff like Funebrarum, Slugathor, and Ignivomous.

As for

Blut Aus Nord
maudlin of the Well
Mournful Congregation

etc. etc...
I just ordered Ignivomous's new album. It should be the best dm album of 09 if it's anything like Eroded Void of Salvation.
I relistened to the first half of that album last night before I went to sleep, goddamn it is that album great.

EmbraceTheDeath: it's better than Eroded Void of's incredible.
Ein, it's unbelievable. There's on song that sounds too similar to Opeth, that's my only complaint. But it's mellower, darker, more textured, more mature, more proggy...fucking more awesome all around.

The Chasm'll probably end up on the list.