best way to enjoy opeth

Vinyl or C.D.

  • Vynil

    Votes: 7 21.9%
  • C.D.

    Votes: 25 78.1%

  • Total voters
Oct 24, 2007
I was thinking about some of the vinyls i have and i realised ive never listened to them, so what do you think? on vinyl or on C.D, which is better
I love the sound of Vinyl, but if I had Opeth vinyls I wouldn't play them, though I have no doubt they would sound alot better providing you had a good stylus.
Except the sentimental value of a vinyl, It really doesn't give you anything when the album was Recorded and/or mixed digitally. It's just converting analog signal to digital waveform then back to analog...

But vinyls ARE fucking tasty :)
Vinyl is analogic, and CD is digital.. Nothing can play a sound better than a vinyl.. So I would say Vinyl due to it's emotional value and it's high quality...
If I had a good analog system I would most definitely listen to vinyl.

It's on my list of shit to waste money on.

Right below beer and hookers.

Which aren't getting cheaper...
best way to enjoy Opeth:

In a forest of october listening to "Orchid" being performed by the Orchid era lineup on elven crafted instruments, standing in the mists in twilight's robe under a weeping moon.
Seriously, what's wrong with all these people voting for CD?

I've never listened Opeth in a vinyl, but even I realized that vinyls with a good analog system would be far superior, especially in coolness.
I've never listened Opeth in a vinyl, but even I realized that vinyls with a good analog system would be far superior, especially in coolness.

The sound is immaculate.

But CD's/MP3 players are cheaper.
maybe ill pop in my watershed vinyl though, i have damnation but ill never play that, maybe at my wedding :p, and even then
but from what ive heard about analog, itd probably way better, ive heard records, just not opeth
Vinyl is analogic, and CD is digital.. Nothing can play a sound better than a vinyl.. So I would say Vinyl due to it's emotional value and it's high quality...

Read what I said.

Vinyls don't give you crap. The music was recorded and produced digitally.

not in sound quality at least. You already lost some "information" on the way to making it digital...