bete-noir (no french accents on my keyboard)


original rude boy
Nov 7, 2003
I was in a room with some people off the Ultimatemetal forums, Pieter (tools) Marths (dhatura) and whom I think was Thelma from Scooby Doo, but she doesnt really matter. Anyhow, there was this guy who was very dangerous and really fucked up looking. His skin was all raw like it was just muscle you could see. He was demented and liked blood and to disfigure people's faces and bodies by carving them up so he could see the blood flow. So me and Pieter strapped him down in a chair some how and he was all for killing the guy saying things like We're only putting ourselves at risk if we don't kill him now and who's to say he will stay strapped in the chair. Thinking about it he was right you know, but I wouldn't do it. Martha was just worrying about not knowing what to do about the guy but I definately didn't want to kill it. I felt dead sorry for him/it. Anyway turns out I ended up taking the straps off the chair and pieter went ape shit at me and said I was crazy and that he was going. So I took the guys straps off and he was just sad.
the other 2 are

Dream 1
Dad had let me down about getting my shoes for work, so I couldn't go to work bear foot so I suggested that we watch some living doll film, it wasn't Childs Play it was something softer nice, just like a nice doll that was alive and was nice to you. Anyway I suggested this watching for me, my sister and my cousin. Anyway the phone rings and it's the living doll, but I didn't let it finish it's little hello message/song and it came up the stair and it was my cousin Hollie as a doll. So anyway, it was being bitchy and it smashed a chair across my legs and it was dead angry, but I felt like I was smashing the chair not being the one it was smashed against. So we get into this little fight thing, and I'm sitting on its legs with my feet on its arms trying to open the side of its head and it starts saying 'Dragons equal death' and repeating it over and over and its eyes went pysco and I petrified. Anyway I didn't kill it or whatever, I don't know why and then I stood up and saw that it had drugged my sister and she was lying, strapped to a slanted bed. She was really pale and looked like she had lost all rationality, she was just stupified and the doll had pinned her eyelids together with dress makers pins with little balls on the end and her eyes were all stuck together with puss. She was waving her arms infront of her slowly and in a dosile maner looking for someone to help her. I was dead upset but it was as though I couldn't help because I'd make it worse or kill her or she wouldn't be the same person. And all the while this fucking doll keep laughing and saying things to me and I was helpless and couldn't do anything.

Dream 3
One of my old art teachers came back to college, and I was still in college too, or maybe I was visiting. Anyway, she was telling me about the reason she went away for a year was to speak to the galleries in London and talk them into exhibiting my work and they were really excited and had been keeping a close eye on my development. But I didn't want to exhibit.

reason for edit - stuck a dairy url in - silly idea lol.
hahahaha i had a dream of dunc last night, he was jesus so i asked him to bless me bottle of water, then i would own a bottle of fatherstrangelight holywater, my hair was dead short and i looked mad in me dream.

i think i pissed meself too hahhaa cool dream all that fuckin holywater i have been drinkin :tickled:

your dreams sound chokka mate o_O
wicked dreams indeed. Lately, I'm not dreaming consciously that much, meaning i cannot remember a dream or be aware of it. But the most blatant dream i had was quite similar to your first one Claire, only that i kicked a toppled chair with someone on it, so that he fell down on a stair and broke the nape of his neck. that was scary!

Another one was when i was a kid i dreamt i was lying in bed, just like i did, and someone's coming in me room like, a thug like. And he was going to kill me, but i couldn't move anything of me body, i just could watch him slowly comin closer. That was feeling so real, i immediatley woke up.