between these heads

The Marshall blends really well with other amps. Used it once as a second amp to a 5150 or something can't remember, but it added the crunchy goodness.
and triple BE!

is so sad I cannot receive notifications form this forum!!

Ola what about axe fx?
2 Channel Triple :D

Not a fan of the JVM and the 3120 is the same thing as a XXX, but with EL-34s. Whether that's good or bad is up to you, but it's not really in the same league as the other two IMO.
The Peavey sounded quite good on youtube need to hear better demo's before I give it the thumbs up but so far it sounds like it has less bite than say the triple rec but most amps do anyway .
I've got a XXX and a 3120 (other guitarists) the EL34's definately give off less bite but add a tiny tiny bit of warmth, you really want 6L6's in there - half decent clean but I wouldn't use a Peavey for clean. After checking the mentioned Ola specials Tripple rec I reckon ;)