i bet no metal musician gets more attention from metalheads than Justin Bieber. Bieber this and Bieber that leads to over 300.000.000 views for his videos on youtube, i'm afraid Bieber will become the new King Of Pop one day, still better than imagine him as the King Of Metal
So, what is Frank doing these days?
So, what is Frank doing these days?
Practicing HELMET songs getting ready to jump ship
I had 3 different versions of Bieber living below me (all female) a really fat one a less fat one and a skinny one.
i bet no metal musician gets more attention from metalheads than Justin Bieber. Bieber this and Bieber that leads to over 300.000.000 views for his videos on youtube, i'm afraid Bieber will become the new King Of Pop one day, still better than imagine him as the King Of Metal
Yeah it's not like my life revolves around Anthrax, but six years is a long time to be waiting for the new album, which should have been in my collection two years ago. I believe this is the longest they've ever gone without releasing new music, and that sucks. Time is running out, they ain't getting any younger.
Here's an announcement that Maidenfan is sure to enjoy: I may be joining a Metallica covers band.