Big Old Powertube Comparison with CLIPS!


Apr 18, 2010
Well my last thread of tube test wasn't a very accurate portrayal of the tubes I tested. This time I have everything squared down. The amp I'm using is a Baron Custom Amps K88 Custom and the DI tracks I'm using are from the Guitar Tracks from Guitar Tone Competition 3 by JeffTD.

Here's the tubes I'm using.

The amp's settings were all set to noon. Even the master so it was loud as fuck in here. :hbang:

Alright, I'm going to organize this as best I can.

I recorded using 1 guitar from the DIs and two guitars form the DIs.

Here's the set of tracks with the single guitar.

Ruby EL34BHT Tone Test/EL34 Single Tone Test.mp3

JJ E34L Tone Test/E34L Single Tone Test.mp3

JJ KT88 Tone Test/JJ KT88 Single Tone Test.mp3

EHX KT88 Tone Test/EHX Single KT88 Tone Test.mp3

JJ KT66 Tone Test/JJ KT66 Single Tone Test.mp3

Now here's the set of tracks with dual guitars.

Ruby EL34BHT Tone Test/EL34 Tone Test.mp3

JJ E34L Tone Test/E34L Tone Test.mp3

JJ KT88 Tone Test/JJ KT88 Tone Test.mp3

EHX KT88 Tone Test/EHX KT88 Tone Test.mp3

JJ KT66 Tone Test/JJ KT66 Tone Test.mp3

Some of the last few clips don't start till 5 seconds in. Sorry about that.

Any how, I how this is more helpful and if you guys want WAV clips for an even more accurate representation let me know.

Remember that everyone will have different results in their amp; if they can even use different kinds of tubes. This was just my observation, power tubes really change the tone of your amp; especially different kinds/brands.

I'm going to make a video for easier listening in a minute.

Thanks for posting this.
but bear in mind that the difference coming from resistance/impedance mismatch between tube and transformer will have a bigger influence than the tube type....but in this shootout that's mainly relevant for the KT66, so keep that in mind when comparing the KT66 to the el34 etc
Yeah I understand that. Every amp is going to have a different feel with different tubes. Glad I could help!