Biggest Jerk?


Arrogant Dickhead
Sep 5, 2002
St. Paul, MN
What rocker(s) have you met that were absolute assholes?

Jeff Hanneman-didnt give us fans the time of day. Just looked straight ahead and acted like we werent there (there was all of 4 of us besides the band). Kerry was cool, even though he was giving me shit, but you could tell he was fuckin' around; Tom was awesome (all smiles as usual) and I didnt meet Paul. But yeah, didnt understand why Jeff blew us off.

Chris Barnes-Another guy that just totally ignored us fans. He came out of the venue and we all cheered him real hard and were happy to see him to chat and whatnot, and he just kept walking, and seemed pissed off that he was being chored with autographs. Whoa, sorry dude. Didnt mean to give you respect and adulation. My bad. Wont happen again there, fuckface. Hated him ever since.

Those are the only 2 I can think of. I've never met the notorious assholes-we all know who they are.

The overwhelming majority of band members I've met over the years have been fucking cool as hell. Even people I expected to be jerks (good reason or not-hell, I really didnt know any better), like David Vincent, Maniac, and Commando Sandoval were awesome and totally accomodating.

Who's pissed you off?
Good thread, but everyone I've met was really cool. Especially the guitarest from Origin, the one with the long hair. Real talkative, nice guy. Flo was pretty cool too. Bah...I'm gonna start a new thread about the coolest band members you've met.:)
Well as you know Vienyard, I have met alot of bands(some of them with you) and 99.9% of them have been extremely cool. The only FUCKING JERKOFF I met was that jackass singer from Godsmack. Not being a fan of them anyway, I was at a hotel bar with some people from my job who love Godsmack. We were down there having some drinks and they were hoping they would see them in the bar since they knew they were staying at that hotel. Anyway, I end up seeing the guy as I was leaving the bar and he asks me where he can Fedex something. I tell him, he doesn't say thank you, and just generally had this fucking "I'm a rock star up on my pedestal" attitude. I got the fucker back though, after I told him I decided to insult him a little bit by asking him why they were in town. Needless to say, I knew this would bother him, which it obviously did because he didn't even answer my question and walked away and didn't say another word!
The coolest rock star I have ever met was Michael Amott from Arch Enemy a few months back. My brother and I had almost a two hour conversation with him about just about everything from metal to sports! There have been many others so I can't complain, at least the one prick I met was from a band I'm not a fan of......
Originally posted by Vienyard
What rocker(s) have you met that were absolute assholes?

Jeff Hanneman-didnt give us fans the time of day. Just looked straight ahead and acted like we werent there (there was all of 4 of us besides the band). Kerry was cool, even though he was giving me shit, but you could tell he was fuckin' around; Tom was awesome (all smiles as usual) and I didnt meet Paul. But yeah, didnt understand why Jeff blew us off.

For me it was the other way around. Kerry seemed to be annoyed at having to sign autographs, but Jeff was really cool. I only talked to him for about five minutes though, and our entire conversation was an argument over who was going to be sweating more, the bands or the audience.

But, of course, Tom Araya was awesome. He didn't try to avoid any of the fans, he saw me looking at him and throwing up the goat from across the street, and walked over to us and started talking to us and signing shit. Now that's fuckin class.

And to be honest, I don't think I've ever met a musician I looked up to that was a prick
the idiots from CoB
they were with Impaled Nazarene and a friend and I were taking pics while IN signed out CDs
so when I aimed the camera to the IN members they would smile,make faces and stuff like that
the guys from CoB just stood there and did nothing or didn't even pay attention while we were there,they had their "I am a rockstar" attitude
Originally posted by MacMoney
Anyone can seem like a jerk on a bad day.

I've seen some tremendously nice musicians react inappropriately or rashly under extenuating circumstances . . .

This should stand to reason, as most of their *personas* revolve around braggadacio and bravado, but Joey DeMaio struck me as being daft enough to actually believe his hype; this constitutes über-jerk, in my humble opinion.

Other folks with whom I had instantly BAD CHEMISTRY (meaning, we mutually assessed one another to be jerks):

* Kirk Hammet
* Tommy Victor
* Peter Steele
* Evan Seinfeld
* Jesper Stromblad

[As an addendum: Tommy's redeemed himself since cleaning up . . . ]
Everybody I've met so far has been mad cool. Especially the guys from H2O (punk-hardcore band). They're the nicest guys in the fucking world and will always chill out with fans before and after the show. Hell, Adam (bassist) gave one of his basses last year to one of my friends for no reason other than the fact that she plays bass as well (and kinda idolized him).
I've met so many people, but not stars. I mean, they were acting so normally, I didn't even remember they were stars. :D Ok, if I have to mention few... The 69 eyes. They didn't notice me even if I smiled. They didn't came to talk to any of us, they just stayed in the bus before the gig and after gig. But I'm not even a fan so I don't care. :p
Got to agree on the whole Kerry King thing he is a total asshole and Tom isn't much better, when I met them Jeff was the only one who actually spoke to me and shook my hand.

other assholes include:

George "corpsegrinder" Fisher - never seen such a wanker in my life, every time he comes to london he moans and shit.

Lars - just a general hyped up idiot who believe's he is god of the drums.

Manson - for being the boy geroge of metal

Ozzy - yes I'm feeling ok :lol: Ozzy supports nu metal and brings us that festival he claims is ment to be a metal festival.
I met corpsegrinder once TSD and he was a very cool guy.we even had a beer together and he posed for some pics with me.why does he bitch about London?

and Lars...well he's a jackass...what can be said?
I guess some of us just caught people on a bad day, or a good day, for that matter. People have had negative encounters with people that I and a few others have had extremely positive encounters with, and vice versa. I guess it just has to do with how well a show is going, or went, and how much alcohol is running through their system:)
Dunno he seems to have a thing against London, then people will throw beer cans at him and he gets all upset and starts threating to kill people and blah blah blah he does it every time I see him. Although as plffffft said theres good days some have bad days.
I think I caught Ville from Sentenced on a bad day(Or a worse day:D), cuz everytime I saw him he just completely ignored us. I don't know if he was just being an asshole, or was just so damn drunk he didn't notice us.
Well if you count Mindless Self Indulgence as rock, I gotta say Urine (i know this is supposed to be biggest jerk) is the coolest guy ever, at the last concert I was at he stayed after the concert to sign EVERY persons shit, and was there for a long ass time, he is cool as hell. Korn is a bunch is little bitches, they take the fame to their heads and are so gay if you approach them and aren't a 15 year old girl, they are fucking jerks.
This one probably just go straight over everyones heads as this band are an Aussie band.The place were we used to rehearse in the city(Brisbane) i had an encounter with a fuckhead from a "Popular"Australian band called Powderfinger.The singer was standing in the only doorway to the rooms when we were trying to get our shit through.Like,the wanker knew we were trying to get past and he just stood there like a poofter.Finally we said "excuse me mate.We're trying to get through".And he turned around with the "Do you know who the fuck i am?"look on his fuckhead face.We just barged through mumbling shit as we went.Mainstream wankers.

Another worthy mention in my books goes to Metallica for killing the mp3 world.Jerks!
the guys of kreator. my good friends in psypheria played a show with em recently. they werent allowed to have stage effects or special lighting. they had their set cut for one puff of a fog machine. they also werent allowed backstage after their set was finished.

also, i'm suprised no one has mentioned MANOWAR
Originally posted by Terminal Spirit Disease
Dunno he seems to have a thing against London, then people will throw beer cans at him and he gets all upset and starts threating to kill people and blah blah blah he does it every time I see him. Although as plffffft said theres good days some have bad days.

I'd be pissed if some moron threw cans at me too. I was at the last CC gig in london and I spoke to him before and afterwards, he was really cool and completely down-to-earth, so was the rest of CC. I don't have a bad word to say about Corpsegrinder.
Regarding Ville -- it seemed to me as though he was extremely uncomfortable dealing with his fans (I saw three shows on that last tour). Kinda' like he was almost embarassed to be asked for autographs and such . . .

I know from my own conversations with him that his lyrics aren't a fascade, and he really does embrace those nihilistic values as a personal ideology so it would stand to reason that he's not going to be a *people-person*, ya know?

Still, I thought he was a very warm soul, despite his philosophies . . .
Originally posted by genocide roach
the guys of kreator. my good friends in psypheria played a show with em recently. they werent allowed to have stage effects or special lighting. they had their set cut for one puff of a fog machine. they also werent allowed backstage after their set was finished.

I hate when bands pull that shit.Jerks!