Biggest ProgPower Mistakes

Joe-× said:
How can someone be wrong in a musical discussion?

It's just opinions, right?


Unfortunately, my friend, they were not just musical discussions... but whatever, I don't pretend to have any other of those ever again... I just wanna have a great time at ProgPower like everyone will... no hard feelings on anybody =)
I'd have to say the biggest regret is having a noontime flight out on Sunday morning after the Saturday night "festivities" at the Fairfield for PPIV. :ill: We learned our lesson, and stayed an extra night last year. :rock:
I think eaeolian put it better than I ever could. Other than that, I would have to say sitting through Wuthering Height's set and not taking any pictures at the first ProgPower or the first night of the second ProgPower.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Missing PP III. Gamma Ray, Blind Guardian, Angra, Edguy,and Silent Force all in one line up. :erk:
I will say that I did like wuthering heights thank you very much.

Other than getting too tired for last acts, I have no regrets or mistakes. I will say that it is often tough for me to sit thru some of the power acts that aren't thrashy like brainstorm but I am always willing to give anyone at least a couple songs as I have learned in the past that too often you will later get into those bands.
Thus far, I have only been to III and not going to II and IV were mistakes (as well as not even knowing about I).

On the second day of III, I made the mistake of getting to the hotel's breakfast buffet late and eating a large amount of somewhat cold food very fast. I made it worse by going swimming at the hotel's pool afterward (and I don't mean floating around - I mean actual lap swimming) and after that, having some very high gravity beer. My stomach was in agony from about 4 PM until a few songs into the Gamma Ray set. Nevertheless, I still managed to enjoy the concert and stay in the second row the entire time.