Biggest Reason Alexi is a complete tard?

Biggest reason Alexi Laiho is a tool

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If he dies now he will be like Dimebag ! I Good guitarists that suddenly gets more praise than he's worth due to kicking the bucket! :tickled:
blazingelectricdeath said:
it isnt because of the first option. dream theater sucks weasles' goddamn nuts!

There are two ways that this could be taken:
-They suck at being competent performers on their instruments
-They suck at writing music

It can't be the first option, since they are all regarded as being amongst the top in the field with their respective instruments, and because of the sheer difficulty of playing their music on any instrument that you choose.

So we are left with the second option. For some reason, I find it hard to believe that someone who can't grasp the concept of capitalization has any sort of credible qualification for critiquing music. On the other hand, I know numerous music majors who I see and interact with both socially and musically on a daily basis who would argue that Dream Theater are some of the best song writers out there. Therefore, we can dismiss the second option, since the opinions and objective musical analysis of musicians with masters degrees in music (some even working towards PhD's in composition and/or performance) are worth more than the assenine ramblings of someone who outwardly displays a low level of intellect.

With both options eliminated, I have come to the conclusion that you have a subjective distaste for Dream Theater's music and have tried on some level to present it as an objective fact. Unfortunately, I have just shown you why Dream Theater do not "suck weasles' goddamn nuts," and you find yourself in a position that many people on the internet refer to as being "pwned."

Any other kiddies feel like blurting out something stupid? :wave:
Liquid Shadow said:
With both options eliminated, I have come to the conclusion that you have a subjective distaste for Dream Theater's music and have tried on some level to present it as an objective fact. Unfortunately, I have just shown you why Dream Theater do not "suck weasles' goddamn nuts," and you find yourself in a position that many people on the internet refer to as being "pwned."


A band can be amazing at what the do... and still suck.

That's why folk have opinions, just cause Petrucci is techically one of the best guitarists alive, doesn't mean he's a good songwriter. Even if he has a Degree, the quality of a song depends on the listeners ears, not on the artist's qualifications.

I think this is what the internet peole refer to as "pwned"
LedByTheReaper said:
dime getting shot wasnt funny

Didn't mean it it like that, reffering the thread being funny. But what IS funny is you take a site like, say Deviantart, before his death, he was the biggest arsehole and ''totally sucked for leaving Panterra'' until he got shot, then everyone loved him again, I hate two faced dicks. Seems like his history is now based entirely on his shooting.
-Gavin- said:
A band can be amazing at what the do... and still suck.

That's why folk have opinions, just cause Petrucci is techically one of the best guitarists alive, doesn't mean he's a good songwriter. Even if he has a Degree, the quality of a song depends on the listeners ears, not on the artist's qualifications.

I think this is what the internet peole refer to as "pwned"

Did you read my post? There are objective ways to measure the quality of compositions. There's the subjective side of things...whether or not you enjoy listening to it or well as objective ways to judge whether or not a band's writing "sucks." Numerous people with degrees in music who I talk with face to face on a near daily basis have agreed on the high quality of Dream Theater's material, and I would sooner trust my musical background and theirs than childish forum members having spurts of vulgarity (not you Gavin...blazingelectricdeath).

By all objective measurements, Dream Theater are leaps and bounds ahead of Children of Bodom...technical proficiency, creativity/innovation, quality composition, and versatily. If they suck weasle nuts, then I'm ashamed to think of the status of the members of Children of Bodom.
that's just a matter of tastes, dream theater makes a very particular kind of music and not everyone likes that. You can't say they are good only because they are Damn great at their instruments.

btw, I love dream theater. I just don't agree with you about the reasons you judge a band good or bad.
Liquid Shadow said:
Did you read my post? There are objective ways to measure the quality of compositions. There's the subjective side of things...whether or not you enjoy listening to it or well as objective ways to judge whether or not a band's writing "sucks." Numerous people with degrees in music who I talk with face to face on a near daily basis have agreed on the high quality of Dream Theater's material, and I would sooner trust my musical background and theirs than childish forum members having spurts of vulgarity (not you Gavin...blazingelectricdeath).

By all objective measurements, Dream Theater are leaps and bounds ahead of Children of Bodom...technical proficiency, creativity/innovation, quality composition, and versatily. If they suck weasle nuts, then I'm ashamed to think of the status of the members of Children of Bodom.

I agree, On Paper, Petrucci makes Laiho look like an amateur...I agree with that 100% but my point is, as you put it, Subjective opinion on music rules over objective cause in the end, no matter how good it is on paper, no-one is gonna listen to a band they don't like.
Now, personally DT bores the hell out of me, i'd take a band like Symphony X over them any day, but i agree, on paper and in an "objective" point of view, they are some of the best musicians around. This brings me back to my first point where "subjective" rules over "objective" in that i will listen to a band that arouses my interest over one that i get bored listening to. A fine example of this is Opeth. They are amazing musicians but i just can't listen to them for more than one song at a time.

Lately, CoB have gone down the pan, and i admit, 95% of my bashing is to wind up the newbies, but i stand by what i say when i say CoB have dumbed it down for a new, simpler audience. They have lost what made them fantastic.. That is Laiho's ability to write fast melodic music that catches your attention for more than Four Minutes and 2 seconds until the next band comes on.
Basically, My main point is that no matter how good/technical you are on paper.. it all counts for shit unless you can please the listener. Now, Dream Theater have a LOOOOOT of fans, more than CoB so in essence, you can say "yeah, they do please the listener.. They have a bigger fanbase". Fair enough, but those who aren't in the fanbase obviously aren't interested in DT's style of writing (like myself) and it can seem very boring to which i agree with Laiho. BUT! he was fucking stupid saying it in an international guitar magazine. Talk about fucking up what you've worked for.
I think everyone can agree that Dream Theater are incredable musicians and they do write technically stunning songs, but like Gav said their writing doesn't grab your attention like a band like COB, Kalmah, Ensiferum etc.

The difference i think between the bands is that a band like COB (were) experts in writing memorable hooks. Every song they wrote in the old days had some riff or solo that makes that particular song stand out from the rest. Even their less famous songs like Wrath Within has some incredably well written sequences that makes the listener take notice and remeber it. Where with Dream Theater this aspect is lacking in my opinion. They can out write COB from a musical technical point of view, as we all know how hard some of their songs are. But I think people would find it bit more difficult to remeber some specific hooks in their albums, which always stay with you.
Disgusting. Utterly disgusting.

That is what these forums have evolved into. I used to come here alot, nearly 3 or 4 times a day, but the idiots who roam these forums and the stupid topics being discussed it just too much for me.

Who cares about all that bullshit listed about Alexi? He is a musician. He makes music so that people can listen to it and enjoy it. If you don't enjoy it or have a problem with it than shut the fuck up.

Bashing old and new CoB is stupid as well. "OL LOL THE OLDE BODOM WAS BETTER THA NEW LOL". If you're a real fan, you shouldn't give a shit about differences. I love the band and every aspect of it no matter where it goes. Regardless of genre or style they are who they are and there will always be those little bits and pieces of their music which I will be attracted too.

And my final rant: Where the fuck is the moderation on these boards? This topic should have been locked awhile ago. Some active moderation would probably help increase intelligence on these forums and maybe get a decent forum going again.

Your post disgusts me more than this thread.

MoshMaster said:
Who cares about all that bullshit listed about Alexi? He is a musician. He makes music so that people can listen to it and enjoy it. If you don't enjoy it or have a problem with it than shut the fuck up.

This thread isn't about Alexi's music, it's about his completely moronic comments that he made in a guitar magazine read by enough people to make up his entire fanbase one hundred times over. Sure, he's a good guitar player, but he made a fool of himself by calling one of the most respected prog metal bands lame for choosing quality musical performance over jumping around on stage. I enjoy his music, but I respect him far less after I read the interview with him. For some reason, I can't look up to somebody musically when they think that stage presence takes precedent to the music itself. I could see that with thrashier bands like CoB, but when he expects everybody in all musical genres to have the same live playing philosophies as him, he loses a lot in my book. I would never expect to see Allan Holdsworth act like Alexi Laiho on stage, and I don't see why Alexi expects Dream Theater to act like CoB on stage. Different styles of music, different fanbase, different atmosphere at the concerts...

Basically, what he said was completely laughable for any self-respecting musician, and that article is what this thread is about, not Alexi's music.

MoshMaster said:
Disgusting. Utterly disgusting.

That is what these forums have evolved into. I used to come here alot, nearly 3 or 4 times a day, but the idiots who roam these forums and the stupid topics being discussed it just too much for me.

Do you see any other threads about this? I see none (on the first page at least).

MoshMaster said:
Bashing old and new CoB is stupid as well. "OL LOL THE OLDE BODOM WAS BETTER THA NEW LOL". If you're a real fan, you shouldn't give a shit about differences. I love the band and every aspect of it no matter where it goes. Regardless of genre or style they are who they are and there will always be those little bits and pieces of their music which I will be attracted too.

This is the sickening part of your post.

That is absolute bullcrap to say that a "real fan" doesn't care about differences in the band's music. That paragraph perfectly defines the phenomenon known as the "fanboy"...a blind follower to a band who eats up everything they do regardless of whether or not it is any good. The fanboy ceases to have an opinion, and enjoys all of the music just because of the name of the band that played it.

In contrast, a "real" fan is someone who loves the band's music, but is open minded enough to accept the fact that their favorite band is not without flaws, and is not hesitant to speak his mind about what he REALLY thinks about whatever direction a band has gone in at any given time.

The "love the band and every aspect of it no matter where it goes" mindset just shows that you have no semblance of your own personal musical taste at all, and have simply become a blind follower of a band...a fanboy...a puppet. That is absolutely ludicrous to think that every "real" fan of any band would have that mindset.

It's a good thing that you don't come here as often anymore, because it's the fanboy types that always ruin online forums. Open your mind. Have an opinion. It's still possible to like all of CoB's music, but don't like it just because it is CoB. Like it because you honestly like it, not because of who played it.
Liquid Shadow said:
Basically, what he said was completely laughable for any self-respecting musician, and that article is what this thread is about, not Alexi's music.

No shit the thread isn't about the music. I get what you're getting at but there are posts in this thread referring to the music. I completely agree with you on the fact that what Alexi has said is stupid has has brought up criticism against what he's said.

Liquid Shadow said:
Do you see any other threads about this? I see none (on the first page at least).

I meant stupid threads in general, not theads regarding this topic.

Liquid Shadow said:
That is absolute bullcrap to say that a "real fan" doesn't care about differences in the band's music. That paragraph perfectly defines the phenomenon known as the "fanboy"...a blind follower to a band who eats up everything they do regardless of whether or not it is any good. The fanboy ceases to have an opinion, and enjoys all of the music just because of the name of the band that played it.

In contrast, a "real" fan is someone who loves the band's music, but is open minded enough to accept the fact that their favorite band is not without flaws, and is not hesitant to speak his mind about what he REALLY thinks about whatever direction a band has gone in at any given time.

I don't know if I phrased my words wrong or if you misinterpreted, but I'm just trying to say that you shouldn't bash on a band just because they are putting out lower quality music. The music is still what it was (somewhat) and should still be recognised and not just put off as horrible like so many here have done. I like the old stuff more than the new stuff. But the new stuff isn't bad enough where listening to it is a negative thing.

I have an opinion. I have my criticisms of the band and recognise that they do have flaws, but I don't let that get in the way of my enjoying it. Call me a fanboy if you want or whatever you think I am. I listen to the music because I like it, not because of them.

Liquid Shadow said:
The "love the band and every aspect of it no matter where it goes" mindset just shows that you have no semblance of your own personal musical taste at all, and have simply become a blind follower of a band...a fanboy...a puppet. That is absolutely ludicrous to think that every "real" fan of any band would have that mindset.

Wrong. That may be how you see it, but I have enough self-knowledge to know I don't think like that. In the case of CoB, that mindset would work. Maybe not other bands. And in being so, I do have a strict control over what I listen to and what I like. I'm not easily fondled into becoming a "blind follower" as you think so. A "real" fan might not like everything, but should at least recognise it and refrain from hating it.

Liquid Shadow said:
It's a good thing that you don't come here as often anymore, because it's the fanboy types that always ruin online forums. Open your mind. Have an opinion. It's still possible to like all of CoB's music, but don't like it just because it is CoB. Like it because you honestly like it, not because of who played it.

Thanks for the advice, though i'm certain that I meet your critera. I don't know or really care what makes you think I don't have an open mind. I do listen to what I like, regardless of who plays it.

I would like to give you props for the reply though. I'm glad some people can form responses like that.
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