Bitch about your life here.

-No money
-No honey
-I've a math test in 4,5 hours, been awake whole night, didn't understand anything what I studied for it. I'm going to FAAAAAAIIIILLL....
-I've to study in summer
-I've grown tired to this field of studying, but I can't figure any subject I can get into, I don't hate and that would get me a job that I like after I graduate. Impossible equation.
-People keep talking about this thing called life, but nobody tells me where I could find one.
-I just don't care about anything anymore and it feels like I hardly ever get honestly excited about anything, except music, I don't like this feeling and where it's dragging me...
ok.. for me
- No job
- A lot of problems with my family
- I need money to go to concerts
- i don't have a girlfriend since... 5 years ago, and i really miss her, plus, i haven't heard anything about her in 2 years
- some fucking problems at school...
- i hate people
I haven't won the lottery yet. : ( While I don't mean this in a religious way, I am blessed and don't really have much to complain about except for having more holes in my butt than I was born with (I had surgery for a pilonidal cyst) but my surgeon did a great job.

Life sucks. Then you die. But...

There are some really good moments here and there that I truly enjoy. Other moments that are just okay, and a lot of them with unfulfilled desires... most of them would easily be solved by winning several million in the lottery though. :heh:
  • I'm looking for a job
  • I have no girl friend, and it really gets to me now
  • I do fuck all with my friends now
  • I'm ugly (hah hah)
  • I need money
  • I find it hard as fuck living between two homes because I'm forgetfull and leave a lot of things in the other house (my mums)
  • I need driving lessons but have no money for it

Thats about it;
I'll think of more later.
1. I'm so fucking great and intelligent it's not funny. But most of you mediocre, average people could never understand that.
2. I'm sick of people bitching and whining about their lives about school or their girl/boy friend or what ever. Blah blah blah. I'm so fucking tough, I dont need to bitch or cry to people for sympathy.
3. I met this girlie and I fell in love with her but I probably wont see her again. Haven't seen her for an year but who gives a shit. I'll find tons of new girls since I'm such a lady's man.
4. When I feel angry I dont bitch. I just draw pages of people getting beat up or killed or I headbang endlessly. Therefore I vent my frusterations making me one happy fucker.
5. Life can't be constant fun all the time. You will have times of boredom. Too bad. Live with it. To deal with it I sleep or look at porn.
6. I'm fairly healthy. I do some excercise but I have sleeping problems at times.
5. Life can't be constant fun all the time. You will have times of boredom. Too bad. Live with it. To deal with it I sleep or look at porn.

Ha ha ha that's great. I love nothing more than naked Asian chicks. If I get bored shitless there is more porn on the net that I could surf through in a thousand years.

MURAI said:
2. I'm sick of people bitching and whining about their lives about school or their girl/boy friend or what ever. Blah blah blah. I'm so fucking tough, I dont need to bitch or cry to people for sympathy.

Bitching and whining about people bitching and whining... :lol:

Good one. :loco:
  • I got a bad report card
  • I get fucked with too much
  • I'm ugly as fuck
  • My hair sucks
  • It won't grow out fast enough
  • People hate me
  • I hate me
  • I need to get shot
  • with a gun
  • My bag of nachos is empty
  • I am infested with depression
  • I am too skinny and pale skinne
  • I suck at Algebra
  • Some kid stole my dad's bike
  • I am not gonna graduate high school on time
  • I am a hillbilly
  • I'm hungry
  • I can't find a job
  • This song is too depressing
  • I bitch too much
  • I am weak
  • I'm bored
  • It's not raining outside
  • I love the rain
  • I wish I could mutilate every last human
  • but keep them alive only to aten alive by Wolverines
  • Even though I'm pretty sure Wolverines don't eat Humans
  • I don't live in the 17th century
  • I don't have SARS
  • I haven't contracted AIDS
  • I'm still living
  • I'm stupid