Bitch about your life here.

Well, my only beef is that I'm not a good a drummer as I want to be right now.
I could put personal stuff, but that'd be silly.
Charubic Murder's eyes are ceaselessly watching my posts for a slip!.....

Just kidding, pal, I'm a happy camper!:)
FailingAcension said:
Well, my only beef is that I'm not a good a drummer as I want to be right now.
I could put personal stuff, but that'd be silly.
Charubic Murder's eyes are ceaselessly watching my posts for a slip!.....

Just kidding, pal, I'm a happy camper!:)

Hahahahaha, Tis false!! You are the one with the watchful eye! Hurrah!
tara said:
My boyfriend's back is fucked up.

I can relate to that. My back has given me grief since I was about 20, not accident related though. Mine is due to early onset of arthritis. I can feel it starting in my hips and knees now too.

I have things I can bitch about in my life. I don't make a habit of it though. For me I just thing of what could be worse and thats enough to keep me from spewing about most stuff. Its quite therapuetic at times to just bitch though.
1. I'm depressed...all the time...dammit
2. The girl I'm seeing lives four hours away in Milan, and we're both so busy we never get to see each other.
3. I don't even know where I stand with the aforementioned girl in Milan.
4. I'm 24 and going bald, although I have better things to do with my testosterone anyway...
5. I'm ok at playing guitar, but the band I'm in needs a singer, so I'm the singer. Not the guitarist. Dammit.
6. I'm going to Iraq sometime later this year for who-the-fuck-knows how long to get shot at by people who hate my guts.
7. I never want to leave this wonderful country of Italy, but I have to deal with the fact that eventually I will.
8. There's nothing worse than finding your niche in life and then being ripped away from it. You search for years to find your place, and when you find it, you realize it will never be permanent, and prepare yourself for more disappointment
9. My boss is the Antichrist.
10. I left my '00 Mitsubishi Eclipse in the states so it wouldn't get beat up over here, and a hail storm came through and did $5000 worth of damage to it.
11. My cousin just died in a fiery car wreck. The only thing left of him was a piece of his spinal chord and part of is ID.
12. I'm about two years behind on my degree.
13. I need to get one of my tattoos redone.
14. Again, the girl. I'm falling fast for her, and I don't know what the fuck to do.
15. I have to go to work tomorrow.
16. Metallica's new album sucks gigantic donkey balls.

But, on the bright side, I'm in fucking Italy. How cool is that? Suddenly, everything doesn't seem so bad...
But seriously folks. Quit the bitching. You think your situation will get any better by someone on the net feeling sympathy for you? Life sucks? Too bad. Fight your way through it.
MURAI said:
But seriously folks. Quit the bitching. You think your situation will get any better by someone on the net feeling sympathy for you? Life sucks? Too bad. Fight your way through it.

Letting lose with your complaints once in awhile is very good for you. It can even get your brain in the mode of finding a way out of your troubles.
Well, I need a back rub myself after I give Johanna hers.
I'm also looking to relocate back to Mainland. I'm staying on Vancouver Island and I hate it here.
I had all my CDs ripped off me, my stereo, my DVDs.........lotsa things. So, I'm still kinda pissed off about that. :( :bah:

little49 :wave:

*waiting on Johanna to give the go ahead for her back rub* :blush:
-I can't sleep mmuch at night aqnd I ge twaken early to do nothing
-My mom is really annoying and I'm forced to live here for 3 more years..
-I'll probably need to move to a shitty place withina year since my family hasn't had enough money since my dad died.
-I can't even be on UM much because of m mom bitching at me.
-I have nothing to do other than post on UM
-All the money I have accumulated in the past 15 months is going towards getting a bottom of the line ESP bass so I have someting to do
-Other than the money for the bass, I spent the onlky other money I had that I got for my birthday from relatives on a cheap but decent paintball gun, which my mom doesn't approve of, so I have to carefully hide it once it comes in the mail, although it is around 2 weeks late and I may never get it from the assholes I ordered it from.
-I legally can't get a job :(
Pancakes said:
I have nothing better to do with my life than post here, listen to music and masturbate to Heretic_Princess' and tara's avatars.

tara said:

Who's this 'Heretic Princess' then? :eek:

Never heard of her. :confused:

Surelyshe doesn't compare to the rhavishing Tara!!? :eek:


Ow. :cry:

Spike :rolleyes:
I have a great car.
I have a great dirt bike.
I have a great guitar.
I have money.
I have great friends.
I have a great job.
I have a great family.
My Ex and I might get back together.
My life is great..... :grin:
Life's actually not bad aside from most of the idiots I have to deal with in my any of them keep their jobs is beyond me..they spend more time making excuses for why they haven't finished (or even started) work that should've already been's just unreal. Had me VERY angry for about a week, but now I figure, to hell with it..why freak over something I have no control over.